INFLATION Here and presumably worldwide there's been plenty in the media about inflation. It's easy to see changes to what one pays for fuel and electricity, but food and household consumables take a little more work to view overall. Feeling appathetic in general this Saturday, I settled on the simple, boring, task of verifying that EFTPOS transactions from my bank card on my latest six-month statement (which I still only access in dead-tree format due to distrust of online banking) match my recipts. Lately I've started adding up my weekly shopping totals to see my average spend as well. June to December 2021 averaged $30.83AUD per week over 25 weeks, December 2021 to June 2022 averaged $31.80AUD per week over 25 weeks. That's a $0.97 per week increase over the six months to June this year, or 3.15%. Of course I might just be eating more, but I do know that I'm still buying all the same brands, or cheapest alternatives where they're no longer available. Except that I did buy a bulk quantity of tooth paste so I'm no longer getting that regularly. Its cost isn't included because I don't know how much toothpaste I use per week and I expect I've bought enough to last years. Actually I just checked and that was on the 20th of May, and I think I still had a fair bit left so I probably wouldn't have bought any more normally anyway. Well meaningful or not, those are my numbers. That extra $0.97/week hasn't exactly threatened to send me broke at least. - The Free Thinker.