THE AWKWARD SILENCE I've always been facinated by blogs where people post regularly for a long time and then suddenly stop. I tend to assume sudden death, but then often I find their author active somewhere else on the internet. Anyway my month's silence after a routine of roughly weekly posting has had me wondering why I suddenly went down the same path. But I haven't really found an answer. In some ways it may have been that question that stopped me posting, because it inevitably leads to wondering about my reason for posting here in the first place, and I never did have a good answer for that either. My website, besides selling things, is basically about showing off, maybe mixed with some wilfull excuses for obsessiveness. But what's this gopherhole for? I don't really know. Yet the strange thing is that I've been spending time writing stuff for it instead of for my website. Undo recently described his phlog as "mostly a therapy tool for me": gopher:// Is this my therapy tool? No, I don't think so. All the time that I spend thinking to myself in silence (too much, I often wonder) is my therapy tool. The ideas that I post about here often come from that - manifested in penciled notes on little scraps of paper summarising either a general topic or one specific line of significance that I could later build a post around (indeed this post is one such example). This last month I've found that to work just as well as ever, without sharing any of it with the interweirdos of the world, or anyone else for that matter. Really I think it might be pretty obvious why I'm posting here, but it's a reason that I simply don't like. I'm lonely. I mean yesterday my total human interaction was "G'day", "yes", "no", "thanks", "bye" (at this point, after sending thousands of parcels, my transactions at the small post office in a nearby country town have become pretty streamlined). Actually the day before I had pre-season training with the fire brigade (which I'm allowed to do without my third COVID-19 vaccination, even though I'm not allowed to actually attend fires or meetings _still_), so overall I did much more socialising than in a normal week just from that. But there are often weeks where I barely have any conversations with anyone. Not that I really feel obviously wanting for the sorts of conversations that I do get, and this phlog doesn't really represent them much either. I guess I'm wanting for someone close who I could open up to on a more personal level. Indeed yesterday I sent an email from a third account/server to the last school friend who I was still occasionally in touch with, but seems to have gone quiet this year, which I initially attributed to issues with my email going to spam. They were really my only friend around my age still in contact, not to mention also a girl. I'm not saying that this phlog is direct a substitute for friends or old sweethearts. Maybe I'd have them and still post here. Obviously I can not have them and still not post here for a time. But after posting here for three years now, I think I understand that it's just actioning some instinctive desire in the background for more social interaction. Whether that comes out because I'm not getting any real-life social interaction, or because what I do get just isn't fulfilling, there's a surplus desire there that powers my fingers towards this keyboard. However here I'm not really socialising. It's the action of socialising, but it doesn't go anywhere except into the vacuume of cyberspace. I'm not sure that I even want to socialise that much more in a conventional two-way sense, but it's an instinctual thing nonetheless. So you give me a machine where I can enter all these words and they'll go off to people somewhere, and I do it, because I want to, but I don't know why. I'm searching here for something that I might not want, in a place where it can't be found. Like a bug flying against a light bulb. But in spite of all that, I'm back, and I'll probably be back to my vague regular posting schedual, maybe. Also my recently-infrequent log-ins to combined with attempting to contact the old sweetheart inspired me to finally set up automatic retrieval of email from and my other rarely-checked non-forwarding email accunts (an extreme of anonymity paranoia prevented me from setting up email forwarding on my account) into my regular local mail directories. So now I'll probably see your emails quicker, even if I'm not posting to the phlog. Although given the tiny volume of emails I get here, that's almost an imaginary problem anyway. - The Free Thinker