EVERYBODY'S CRAZY Well I was going to watch a movie before bed, but it's been a little while since I last wrote a phlog post, and I've built up a little backlog of topics, so I decided to talk to you instead. Yes, aren't you lucky? Well no you're not because I still haven't sorted out a new place to host this since Aussies.space went read-only, and the Gopher server there has been down all this week too. Today I did sent an email to Fosslinux just to see whether it's really still a work in progress, but I guess the evidence is plain that it's not something he's very fussed about. It's less than clear whether emails to aussies.space addresses get delivered anyway, I certainly can't read any of mine now since SSH and IMAP access got cut off [it turns out the the latter actually just moved to mail.aussies.space at some point]. Also, after Aioe.org died, which didn't really affect me, now I have lost some NNTP access because the extremely quiet tilde newsgroups have been closed off from outside posting due to some trolling. That's fair enough I suppose, but personally I don't really mind the crazy troll stuff on Usenet. The only things that I killfile are mass-posted spam posts like all the "solutions manual" rubbish that flooded in from Google Groups (like pretty much all the outright spam) a while ago. Also the really boring idiot nutcases like that guy who posts random numbers/dates/nonsense to rec.arts.drwho. But, even if it's not what I go there for, I do get some good laughs from skimming over the long posts from the complete crazys on Usenet. You don't want to read them properly most of the time, but just skim over the general insanity. I even have some saved, although I opted not to include them in my usenet_funnys section here, there's one that has me almost on the floor laughing every time. In fact I was chuckling away at the label "crypto jews" in the post from "KKK" on the tilde groups before I went onto the next post and got the cold news that it had decided the issue about public posting access. Before you judge me too much, I do have a strict non-interaction policy with these nutcase trolls. I don't want to encourage them to go further down their rabbit hole just for my amusement. But as they're there anyway, it's just a fun outing to the asylum. Mind you, awareness of the sheer number of 'normal' people who actually are that crazy at heart can be quite alarming. It wouldn't surprise me if "crypto jews" actually does mean something to some big bunch of social media crazies, but I don't what to know about that, it's just the ironic obviousness about that stuff in isolation that entertains me. Maybe only me. But then there's a sense that I carry, and I know this just defines myself as crazy, but anyway I feel like the internet reveals enough about individuals who open themselves up on it that everyone seems insane if you study them closely enough. I think the old cliche that the more you know people (usually different cultures), you find they're all the same at heart, beyond a point it goes in reverse. The more you _really_ know the intimate details of someone's life, the more you think they're absolutely clinically bonkers. I guess it might be a world view thing, because I'm someone who doesn't go with the flow very well. If everyone's walking one way, then my preference is to head anywhere else. Any suggested action not accompanied by an explicit rational argument is actively avoided. It's not a particularly suitable attitude for the purpose of making friends, but I do believe it's the only decent way to live. The consequence though is that I do tend to label pretty much anyone who copies other people's actions or suggestions without being presented with a clear rational argument (in my opinion), as fundamentally crazy. Of course I don't really trust crazy people, so it does tend to happen that I latch onto one thing that someone does which doesn't make rational sense to me, and remember it permanently as a reason to never really trust them for the rest of their life. But this is really just an emotive way to remind myself that I don't really trust anyone, because really they're all crazy. But now that I've admitted to thinking that everyone is crazy, which is the clearest sign that I'm crazy myself, I would just point out that in a practical sense 'crazy' and 'unpredictable' are basically the same. The idea that everyone is unpredictable is much less shocking, and possibly mainstream. The constraints on the unpredictability of decision making, ones motivations, are a fundamental topic of psychology. People of that field propose various conditions where healthy decision making should be entirely predictable, yet where exactly conditions are such that valid thought is allowed to be unpredictable is unclear. Philosphically the question might be whether decision making is fundamentally random, skewed by instinct and learning into networks of probability outcomes that meerly diminish the chance of major error to near zero in the best cases. Or is it a set of fixed computer-like patterns, interacting with infinite inputs above a basic core stucture in such a complex way that it is chaotic and therefore unpredictable in specifics while being completey deterministic and following entirely reliable basic patterns. I believe in the random mind that is never even theoretically completely predictable. Or in other words the mind that is fundamentally crazy. Except mine of course, because in a truely random world the truth can only be whatever you yourself think it is. - The Free Thinker