MY TURN WITH ALEKSANDER In 2021 Sean Connor posted about getting pestered with repeated spam messages from various email addresses, always with the same subject, name, and text in Russian: gopher:// He ended up simply deleting the email accounts that were receiving the messages, but also later posted a less drastic solution suggested by someone else for filtering them out with Postfix based on the general form of the constantly changing email addresses that Aleksandr (or Mayboroda) uses: gopher:// gopher:// gopher:// So starting sometime before early Febuary (when I last purged my backup store of emails), I've been getting my own dose of Aleksandr. It seems quite pointless to me, as it did for Connor, because I don't read Russian. But except for a ten-day break in Febuary I've been getting a few every day, from ever-changing email accounts. Odds are that they got the email address from scraping my website, as it's the main address for my online store. I don't get that much other spam so I don't bother with automatic spam filtering, but waiting for all these useless identical emails to download on the days when my internet connection is scratchy, just to bulk-select and delete them, eventually tipped me over the line into doing something. The solution that one of Connor's readers supplied was to configure Postfix to block all emails with part of the sender's addresses matching the regular expression "s[0-9]{1,2}.[a-z]*.ru" or "info@.[a-z]*.ru". I'm also using Postfix, and running grep through almost a decade of emails in my archive (not including deleted emails such as spam) showed that I hadn't previously received any legitimate email from addresses matching those expressions. Still, they do seem like really broad filters, almost as if I might be doing what the spammer wants if this is some politically-motivated attack to ruin the reputation of all Russian email addresses. Looking closer at the emails I noticed a couple of unusual headers: X-Vjhy-Campaign-Uid: [random-looking altha-numeric string] X-Vjhy-Subscriber-Uid: [random-looking altha-numeric string] The string after "X-Vjhy-Campaign-Uid" keeps changing, but the "X-Vjhy-Subscriber-Uid" value is always the same (in over 100 "Aleksandr" emails from lots of different addresses). At a guess I'd say that this is probably something inserted by a bulk email service or software that the spammer is using. I'm guessing that "Vjhy" is something random that they typed in to fill in a configuration field. Searching through my email history again, nothing there had one of these headers or even anything like them, so this seemed like a narrower way to block the spam. My, possibly lazy, solution to this in the Postfix configuration was to Create a "/etc/postfix/header_checks" file containing: # Block "Aleksandr" spam which comes from various domains and IPs # but always has this header which no other email seems to use: /^X-Vjhy-Subscriber-Uid: .*/ DISCARD Aleksandr spam EDIT: "Aleksandr" eventually changed the "Vjhy" bit of the headers to something else, so, at slightly more risk of false-positives, I'm now using: /^X-.*-Subscriber-Uid: .*/ DISCARD Aleksandr spam This probably blocks everything from the bulk mail platform that they're using though. Then add this line in /etc/postfix/ header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks Now the Postfix documentation makes the point that this is the wrong way to filter spam because new mail processing is delayed while it checks all the header lines from each email through the regular expression/s in "/etc/postfix/header_checks". Setting up proper filters allows checking to be done further down the line in a non-blocking way. Still in this case it's just one rule (well OK, it always _starts_ with one) and I don't get nearly enough mail or server load for this to be a meaningful problem. I also like that it gets rid of the spam right at the start of processing and doesn't waste any more time on it, given that it's often been the bulk of my day's external email to that (or any) address. Interestingly they still show spam filtering rules in the example at the end of the regexp_table(5) man page. Also "pcre" instead of "regexp" is supposed to be faster, but "postconf -m" didn't list it as available in my Postfix build. Run "postfix reload" to make it load the new configuration. Before long the Postfix log showed a number of correct matches for "Aleksandr spam", and after a couple of days none has made it through, so it looks like I might have won my personal battle against Aleksandr. I also turned up yet another victim of Aleksandr online (I seem to be late to Aleksandr's party), who blocked the spam simply based on the curiously-unchanging subject line (the postmap step isn't necessary, and as already noted you can use regexp if pcre isn't available): Related Postfix documentation links: - Examples at bottom - The Free Thinker.