MOVE ABORTED So the membership did eventually come through on Tuesday, a couple of days before my deadline for trying somewhere else. Although as it happens Tuesday night I was upgrading the OS on my internet client system by my usual method of making a copy of the SD card and testing things out first on that. I forgot to disable the automatic fetching of emails from my "Free Thoughts" email addresses, so the acceptance email ended up on there, where I didn't discover it until Thursday. Also with it (typical that the only emails I got to either address in over a month both came that afternoon) was a response from Solderpunk kindly offering me a place on his server after I answered his open question about what happened to gopher:// But as it happens Fosslinux also sent me an email Thursday announcing that he's got the Gopher server running again on (with SFTP connections also working again after a little hickup), so I don't need to move after all, and my combined excessive patience and email ineptitude has actually been to my advantage. Firetext and the currency converter aren't working yet, and the latter looks like it might be a bit tricky to bring to life again in the new containerised form of, but anyway it's a great start. Also the SSH server is having a weird disagreement with PuTTY regarding my SSH key. I'm set up there with the same username and public key that I signed up for using, but after copying the same configuration and switching the hostname to "", it rejects my key when I try to log in. At first I thought that the account creation got stuffed up, but later I tried the same thing with OpenSSH via my internet client (not used on my old computers anymore, as complained about here previously (see paragraphs five and six of 2020-08-16An_Xcellent_Idea.txt, etc.)), and the log-in went through fine. Both SSH clients work with now, so the SSH server thinks the keys are the same, but the server doesn't! How strange. Yes I tried re-doing the PuTTY config copy/change in case I made some mistake that I'm not seeing, same result, and it's basically the same as changing the host from "" to "", which I had to do for that configuration. It does _connect_ OK to, so it's not that the PuTTY version is too old for their encryption requirements, it just fails the public key auth afterwards. They do have a notice on the homepage about client troubles with RSA public keys, which is what I used, so actually that's probably the issue. That would have been a major inconvenience for uploading things there via psftp (PuTTY's somewhat half-baked SFTP client), but it doesn't matter now anyway. Now I've just got to go through and wrap+upload all the posts that have been waiting here in limbo for almost three months, 19 total, including this and the one that I left on the old 486 laptop that I keep in my bedroom because I couldn't find my Compact Flash card to PCMCIA adapter (that one might have to wait a little longer). OK, let's see how much of a mess I can make with some for-loop shell one-liners... - The Free Thinker.