READY TO SERVE YOU AGAIN The Gopher services here are finally back online after they got cut off due to not (yet? But it's been six months in total now) supporting running cron jobs or CGI on the Gopher server anymore. Updates to Firetext (fires burning in the state of Victoria, Australia) and Gopher Banker (international currency rates and converter) are now handled via automated SFTP uploads from elsewhere, which turned out to be more awkward than I thought because SFTP commands can be rather limited. It turns out that "lftp" implements many of the recursive operations that make the UNIX command line bareable, so I probably should have used that instead (for reference, it runs on top of OpenSSH SFTP, so eg. if you've set up "aussies" as a "Host" in .ssh/config, you can connect with "lftp sftp://aussies" - which is not a fact that's immediately obvious from the man page). Of course SFTP doesn't get me past the lack of CGI when it comes to converting currencies with the Gopher Banker. Here the Tilde.Club account that I set up during my aborted move from turned out to be handy after all. The currency rates are still listed here, but actual conversion results are done over at Tilde.Club, where the Gophers are still free to roam and execute as they please (I didn't realise how terrifying that mental image could be until I wrote it). As before, Firetext is here: gopher:// Gopher Banker is here: gopher:// And now Gopher Banker is here as well: gopher:// I've been thinking of setting up a Gopher CGI world clock with ASCII clock faces, but I haven't got around to it. It's a bit of a pain spreading things over two servers now - in many ways double the things to go wrong. I still have to get around to compiling a newer version of PuTTY that can connect to the SSH server at Tilde.Club. The internet's in a sad state when a maintained SSH client won't even keep working for two to three years after it's built from the latest release. Speaking of obsolete things, I think it's funny reading this morning about people starting their "Old Computer Challenge", limiting themselves to a single CPU core at minimum clock speed ("cat /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq" shows that minimum would be 480MHz on the Atom CPU of my Atomic Pi 'internet client') and 512MB RAM. I'm posting as usual from a single 120MHz CPU with 80MB RAM, and both doubtless still slower than a modern computer pretending to have those specs because the bus speed is much slower and the CPU doesn't have all that fancy modern stuff like speculative execution (and not even because it's disabled due to fear of a passing spectre). Actually I recently set up a sub-1GHz single-core x86 PC with 512MB RAM with all my regular software for general use, which I might get around to talking about properly here eventually (I've been neglecting you interweirdos lately for some reason, certainly not for a surplus of social interaction elsewhere). As my software choices are already biased towards low system resource usage, everything was as fast and responsive as I could want. The one exception, as usual, being the dreaded Firefox, which I wanted to include for websites like Ebay*, which aren't very usable in Dillo. Actually I was surprised that Firefox 102 ESR runs quite nicely in 512MB of RAM browsing websites with all the Javascript turned off via NoScript, but turn on all the JS at a heavyweight website like Ebay and it soon slows to a crawl while chewing up swap space. Those are the only websites where I'm forced to browse in Firefox in the first place, so overall it's a bit pointless with 512MB so I maxed out the system with 2GB of RAM and now Firefox can do its bloated job. * And, since a week or two ago, GitHub. Arrgh! Why did so many people have to host their projects there, where I now have to start Firefox with Javascript enabled just to browse the source code?! Horrible Microsoft, idiot users... hatred, fury, KILL KILL KILL!.. alright, calm, calm, I guess I'll just have to go away and find/write some sort of browser for the Git protocol, assuming it's possible to grab individual files/directories with that. Oh FFS, the answer is no, it's not possible to 'browse' using Git: Except yes on GitHub because they have an SVN-compatible interface: Except no on GitHub because they're disabling it in Jan. 2024: Proof again that there's no point trying to code your way out of these things, all these services are designed against you. The internet is for Chrome, Firefox (maybe), and the latest PCs. Compatibility is a thing of the past. All I can say is that if you must use GitHub to host a project, then mirror everything over Gopher as well! - The Free Thinker