GOPHHUB AGAIN Well it took most of the week but I've pretty much recovered from my holiday now. A note for future train holidays: Sitting on the train most of a day doesn't exactly equal the same relaxation of sitting at home having a restful recovery day before plunging into the forgotten routines of the week ahead. I mean it's nice, but I'm always a bit on edge so long as other people are around. I need a train with a private compartment really. Nah, a private carriage, that's what I need. Where's a nice royal family I can marry into then? Preferably an eccentric one out of a 1950s movie. Well anyway, settling back into my routines naturally turned into tinkering with GophHub again. In spite of zero expressed interest from users, even including myself, I still wanted it to work completely via a Web-Gopher proxy. The Floodgap one worked OK, but HTML is blocked by it. Various other proxies have trouble with the parameters in the Gopher URL, because they presumably try to interpret those themselves. But the Tildeverse proxy and the one at ("what thing?", "Rat thing...", [SCREAMS]) only had trouble with the 'search' for the GitHub URL. For some reason it wouldn't go through. Those proxies already pissed me off by pointlessly requiring Javascript for the search box, which could easily be done in HTML instead. But then I discovered another one, not really hiding at the domain, and this doesn't use Javascript but otherwise has the same problem with the submission of the GitHub URL as the Tildeverse and Ratthing proxies. So I looked into it and it turns out these proxies percent-encode some characters in the search strings when they're submitted. I suspect this is a bit wrong for Gopher search items in general, but as I was actually accepting a URL I really should have been handling percent-encoded characters already anyway. Plus it actually turned out to be easily done with Bash built-ins just by switching '%' to '\x' and then using printf to do the conversion: SEARCHREQUEST="$(printf '%b' "${SEARCHREQUEST//%/\\x}")" So GophHub v1.1 is now at least a little more proxy-friendly, and available to web-locked users at the recommended proxy link here: The grumpy author of that proxy lives at and actually has his own separate gripes about GitHub, which I agree with too, although really I'd be happy if people just mirrored their code somewhere else if they really feel they have to jump into bed with M$ or other Javascript-enforcing organisations: gopher:// GophHub is still of course open directly to real Gophers here: gopher:// And available for download in the Scripts section: gopher:// One day I'll look back at this thinking how silly I was to try and fight the inevitable direction of the Web, or how silly I was to bother using it or participating in society in general. But oh well, I'll be married to princess Foritzergrad of Intembickertania by then and everything will be rosy. UPDATE 2023-10-17: The author of the multi-protocol proxy at, which I hadn't found earlier, let me know that it works great with GophHub as well. It doesn't even try to trip me up by percent-encoding characters in search strings! So that's another excellent option: - The Free Thinker PS. My list of known, currently-up, Web-Gopher proxies: Not GophHub-friendly: