FIRST SPAM I don't get all that much email spam compared to reports from others. Some stems from a known data leak from a major company, but that seems to have mostly died off. Most is to my main business-related email address, where I'm too polite to make the address un-copy-pste-able, and that's also predictable enough that bots appear to simply guess it too (looking at all the other names in the logs from when their guesses fail). Also things related to my purchasing products from Chinese sellers, who obviously sell off the email addressess that their customers use. This of course is all the wonderful world of the modern internet, and should be no surprise to anyone who lives there. But the interesting question was: is Gopher part of this world? Well until now the un-obscured email addresses I show on my 'home' Gophermap here have faced a rewarding silence from the web's feared automated respondents. Today though, no longer. This morning I found addressed to my back-up address the first email it's had in quite a long time, a proposal for a business opportunity helping some rich Ukranian. A rather dodgy prospect, even if it wasn't unsolicited and sent from a mail server with a domain name registered in Nigeria. Yandex had identified it as Spam ("oborona" in Russian, it seems), so I could have filtered it out if I wanted to, except I wouldn't because I've had so much pain from Gmail filtering my own legitimate emails out of other people's inboxes in the past so I wouldn't want to do that to someone else (I wouldn't be surprised if Google are worse than Yandex at spam false-positives though). But that indeed is the issue, it proves that, as likely as it always was, Gopher is still connected to the nasty parts of the modern internet. The internet where people get Gmail accounts just so that they can reliably talk to other people with Gmail accounts, who would otherwise ignore them as auto-filtered spam. I didn't get any spam to the main address yet. Mind you neither have I heard any response from Fosslinux about the server uploads failing. I guess I'd better send myself a test message to make sure the email server isn't faulty too... [worked] On the up side, my knee seems to be almost recovered. It didn't bite me once in my sleep last night and I drove the ute into town yesterday without any gear-change agony. Still definately not up to walking far yet, but good enough to get back to work on the under-side of the car. Except that rain suddenly returned yesterday and my service bay is flooded again, ho hum. - The Free Thinker