NAKED TRUTHS The cloudy weather lately this summer has the nice effect of relatively warm nights. For much of the year I do my evening naked sprints up and down the long driveway, but the warmth allows the alternative option of comfortably going for a walk through the paddocks. I like to be naked a lot of the time, including now as I type this, but there's a difference to going for a nude walk in a natural environment. Looking back at the dim glow of light spilling out from my house into the darkness, it inspires a special sort of perspective. Litterally stripped of all the trappings of civilisation, that little box seems like it might house another me, a constructed person belonging within the crafted illusion of civilised existance. Instead of him, the person, I'm just another creature out in nature, among countless others. For that brief time out there it feels easier to appreciate the true motivations in life, how all that complexity of modern living grew up from the motivations of every naked animal subsisting in the wilderness. Survival and reproduction, the only natural objectives, have gone on over unknown generations to create the infinite variety of culture and science that seems, maybe even believes itself, to be separate from the core necessities of existance. Personally I'm a bit of a miss for nature on the reproduction front, absolutely hating babies and children. Yet at the same time I wander along out there with genitals waggling and usually come to think of how nice it would be to have a woman with me, who for one thing could appreciate the same view of life, but who also wanted to cuddle up on a large sun-warmed rock and have sex. Maybe living in less modern times I'd have ended up with a woman, and been driven by desire to a distressed life of child raising in spite of my objections? As it is I can appreciate how by whatever means I do it, somehow I survive well enough out here to go for such walks and enjoy the simple pleasure of being part of this world. - The Free Thinker