AS RICH AS A GAZAN This year, with an alleged "cost of living crisis" going on in Australia (though I think that's mostly about people with morgages), there have been a few news stories on TV about poorer countries that are still rich enough that an Australian might want to move there. Particularly where there's a shrinking population and therefore a cheap housing market. Japan gets a lot of attention and there was a story about rural Spain [EDIT: actually, that was Italy] as well. This got me back to one of my usual puzzlements about money. I know I'm poor in Australia, but where would I be average, or even rich? Well this internet thing that I currently spend around $5/month of that income on is perfect for answering these sorts of questions. Sure enough here's the World Bank's obscurely-titled list including countries by income groups: Converted to the universal courrency of the world's biggest "high-income economy", although Australia is one of those too, my personal income falls short and into "upper-middle-income". This is a list including some countries where I thought people were actually a lot poorer, though I'm sure some suffer from major income inequality (although that's coming from someone earning under $13,845USD/year in a country with an average figure found elsewhere of $60,840USD/year). Among other nationalities, I'm as rich as a Armenian, a Chinaman (but not in Hong Kong), a Cuban, an Iraqi, a Lybian, a Russian, a Thai, a South African, or even a Gazan! I guess that last one is probably due for an update, but even before the current conflict that's a surprisingly high income in a politically isolated nation full of palestinian refugees. So there you go, move to one of those countries and I might be able to understand how I actually survive on my income while worrying mainly just about maintaining it at that level (unfortunately a concern that's frequently and currently raised). But hey, where would I be rich? Where's the lower income nation that's equivalent for me to what Japan ($42,550USD/year) or Spain ($32,090USD/year) is for my rich average countrymen? Hmm, "lower-middle income": India, Algeria, Haiti, Honduras, Iran, Lebanon, Mongolia, Ukraine, Vietnam, Zimbabwe... Meh, no thanks. - The Free Thinker