GLOBAL WARMING, LOCAL DRYING Summer was unusually cool, autumn was unusually cold, and winter is, if not unusually cold then at least unrelentingly so without very low minimums but little warmth during the day. The main thing though is that it's _dry_. There's been hardly any rain and the ground is still as hard as in summer. Rain was predicted for the end of this week but ironically these days have turned out to feature the first bursts of consistent sunshine for weeks. In eastern NSW they got flooding over autumn, in WA they reportedly got a break in their dry spell recently, but here it's just stayed dry. The result is that in spite of my desperate efforts to fix up the rusty guttering around the house so as to catch what little water the heavens have yeilded, the house ran out of water. I do at least now know the minimum point on the tank's level indicator (confusingly earlier in the scale than I thought, or it's getting stuck), but this means everything's on hold now while I spend my days carting water. So that business-related project I put on pause gets paused even longer, and the end of this month was a deadline that I knew I just ineveitably would meet for finishing that, but I can't, even working on the weekend which I'll have to do now. Why do I bother? I'm just too damn slow. Probably due partly to all my constant wrong assumptions like where the empty position is on the tank level indicator. I should've tried a dipstick and not wasted hours trying to fix a pump that wasn't broken. Anyway, off again for a second day driving water about... - The Free Thinker