By The Free Thinker
                  _-_History Snippets_-_
       A collection of historic photos and documents selected for interest
       and importance, but also constant variety. Additions made
       intermittently from items in the collection of The Free Thinker.
 (DIR) Home
                   Nuggets, by D. O. Haynes & Co., mid/late 1890s
 (IMG) Cover
 (IMG) Start
 (IMG) Things Worth Remembering
 (IMG) Cement for Rubber Tires for Bicycles
 (IMG) Unlooked for Causes of Conflagration
 (IMG) Water Purification by the Alum Method
 (IMG) Lemonade
 (IMG) Bugs Rule the World
 (IMG) Acne
 (IMG) The Danger of Allowing Dogs to Lick the Face
 (IMG) Fishes of Mighty Power
 (IMG) The Nuisance of Flies and How to Cure It
 (IMG) Fall of Meteors
 (IMG) Wages of the World, 1
 (IMG) Wages of the World, 2
 (IMG) Men of Genius - How They Won Their Honors
 (IMG) Death of English Kings
 (IMG) How to "Salt" Almonds
                                       ---                Added 2024-07-19
                        Mid 19th Century Wood Block Prints
 (IMG) Arc De Triomphe, Paris
 (IMG) St. Malo, France
 (IMG) Burgos, Spain
 (IMG) Pass of Pancorbo, Spain
 (IMG) Cathedral of St. Basil, Moscow
 (IMG) Constantine, Algeria
 (IMG) Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem
 (IMG) Abraham's Grave, Hebron
 (IMG) Dordogne Suspension Bridge, France
 (IMG) Esztergom, Hungary
 (IMG) Hannover, Germany
 (IMG) Braunschweig, Germany
 (IMG) Jerash, Jordan
 (IMG) Residence of Turkish Pasha in Orsova, Romania
 (IMG) Roskilde Cathedral, Denmark
 (IMG) Rotterdam, The Netherlands
 (IMG) Royal Palace, Brussels
 (IMG) Traunfall Waterfall, Austria
 (IMG) Falmouth Harbour
 (IMG) Panama
 (IMG) Quebec, Canada
 (IMG) Peking in China
 (HTM) Suspension bridge over Dordogne River (Saint Andre-de-Cubzac)
                                       ---                Added 2024-06-17
                  Photographs of London by Valentine & Sons, 1880s/90s
 (IMG) Albert Hall (1885)
 (IMG) Bank of England
 (IMG) Fleet Street
 (IMG) Houses of Parliament
 (IMG) House of Lords
 (IMG) London Bridge
 (IMG) Rotten Row (1894?)
 (IMG) St. Paul's
 (IMG) The Nave - St. Paul's
 (IMG) Thames Embankment and St. Paul's
 (IMG) The Crystal Palace
 (IMG) Trafalgar Square
 (IMG) Westminster Abby
 (TXT) Valentine & Sons - Gopherpedia
                                       ---                Added 2024-06-05
                The Radio Experimenter Magazine Vol. 1 No. 3, Feb. 1924
                              (Melbourne, Australia)
 (IMG) Contents
 (IMG) A Simple Crystal Receiver for the Beginner, pg. 1
 (IMG) A Simple Crystal Receiver for the Beginner, pg. 2
 (IMG) Overseas Long Wave Transmitters, pg. 1
 (IMG) Overseas Long Wave Transmitters, pg. 2
 (IMG) Overseas Long Wave Transmitters, pg. 3
 (IMG) Overseas Long Wave Transmitters, pg. 4
 (IMG) Items of Interest, pg. 1
 (IMG) Items of Interest, pg. 2
 (IMG) Cover Advertisement - New System Wireless
 (IMG) Cover Advertisement - Excelsior Motor Co.
 (HTM) Catalogue of early Australian radio publications and magazines
                                       ---                Added 2023-09-11
                      17,000ft. in Light Plane, 25th of May 1931
 (IMG) Newspaper article
 (HTM) Aircraft history and replica at QLD Air Museum
 (HTM) Aircraft history
 (TXT) Aircraft later built by the pilot in England - Gopherpedia
 (HTM) Pilot's England-Australia flight aboard WWII Halifax bomber
 (HTM) Pilot's own account of the England-Australia flight
                                       ---                Added 2023-02-22
                       Shell Motor Tours - Victoria, mid 1920s
 (IMG) Cover
 (IMG) Title Page
 (IMG) Tour 1, Lorne
 (IMG) Tour 1 Photograph: Great Ocean Rd, Big Hill
 (IMG) Tour 5, Blacks' Spur, Merton & Euroa
 (IMG) Tour 5 Photograph: Blacks' Spur Rd, Fernshaw
 (IMG) Tour 6, Ballarat & Castlemaine
 (IMG) Tour 16, Healesville, Blacks' Spur, Marysville
 (IMG) Tour 16 Photograph: Shell Crossing the Blacks' Spur
 (IMG) Tour 19, Christmas Hills, Kangaroo Ground, Watson's Creek
 (IMG) Tour 19 Photograph: Kangaroo Ground
 (IMG) Omeo-Tallangatta Route
 (IMG) Grampians
 (IMG) Mt Buffalo
 (IMG) "Save Our Forests" Colour Advertisement
 (IMG) Shell Colour Advertisement
                                       ---                Added 2022-08-18
                     A-O-A Hong Kong Night-Life & Shopping, 1971
 (IMG) Cover (long-exposure night scene)
 (IMG) Index
 (IMG) Introduction
 (IMG) Hong Kong Facts
 (IMG) Comments for Single Men and Girls
 (IMG) Tailoring
 (IMG) Mohan's LTD. Tailors
 (IMG) Tailor Zee and Princeton Custom Tailor
 (IMG) Night Tour
 (IMG) Escort LTD.
 (IMG) Chinese Movies
 (IMG) Chinese Festivals
 (IMG) Shopping Tips
 (IMG) Check List
 (IMG) Small Boats
 (IMG) City
 (IMG) City at Night
 (IMG) Women and Children in Boats
 (IMG) Nighttime Street Scene with Neon Signs
 (IMG) Hong Kong Central District
 (IMG) British Chinese Regions
 (IMG) Tsimshatsui Kowloon
                                       ---                Added 2022-03-08
               Australian Commonwealth Celebrations Sydney, January 1901
                                Stereoscopic Slides
        Original slides for stereoscope
 (IMG) Coal Arch
 (IMG) Ceres Arch
 (IMG) French Arch
 (IMG) Victorian Arch
        Converted to anaglyphs for viewing with Red/Blue glasses
        (not as good)
 (IMG) Coal Arch
 (IMG) Ceres Arch
 (IMG) French Arch
 (IMG) Victorian Arch
 (TXT) Federation of Australia - Gopherpedia
 (HTM) Regular Photograph of procession (Ceres Arch)
       Original film of the Inauguration of the Commonwealth of Australia:
 (HTM) Clip 1, Procession - NFSA
 (HTM) Clip 2, Signing In Ceremony - NFSA
 (TXT) Inauguration of the Commonwealth documentary - Gopherpedia
                                       ---                Added 2022-01-17
                          Geological Survey of Victoria
               Mines of the Bright, Wandiligong, and Freeburgh Gold-Field
 (IMG) Index
 (IMG) Bright, Wandiligong, and Freeburgh Gold-Field - Map
 (IMG) Butler's Reef & Evening Star Mine - 1906
 (IMG) Oriental & Scandanavian Mines, Plan - 1922
 (IMG) Oriental & Scandanavian Mines, Sections - 1922
 (IMG) Long Tunnel - 1912
 (IMG) London & Myrtle Mine - 1915
 (IMG) Home Reef & Golden Bar Workings - 1908
 (IMG) The John Bull Mine - 1907
 (IMG) Woolshed Mine - 1917
 (IMG) Homeward Bound Mine - 1917
 (IMG) The Elgin Mine - 1925
 (TXT) Geological Survey of Victoria - Gopherpedia
 (TXT) Victorian gold rush  - Gopherpedia
 (HTM) 150 Years of the Geological Survey of Victoria
                                       ---                Added 2021-11-05
                    Radio, Television & Hobbies magazine, May 1959
 (IMG) Cover
 (IMG) Mercury Capsule Tests
 (IMG) Uranium for Atom Power Rods
 (IMG) Nuvistors
 (IMG) Grain-Boundary Cryogenic Transistors pg. 1
 (IMG) Grain-Boundary Transistors pg. 2 + Nuvistors cont.
 (IMG) Cold-Cathode Valves
 (IMG) News
 (IMG) Tape Recorders Ad
 (TXT) Electronics Australia (formerly R,TV&H) - Gopherpedia
 (TXT) Nuvistor - Gopherpedia
 (HTM) Nuvistor Valves - The National Valve Museum
 (HTM) Nuvistor, Vacuum's Last Gasp - HackADay
                                       ---                Added 2021-10-15
                              Wartime Motoring, 1940s
 (IMG) The Amazing Jeep - Battle Wagon Described
 (IMG)  Canada-Alaska Road and Tyre Thieves Actives
 (TXT) Willys MB - Gopherpedia
 (TXT) Alaska Highway - Gopherpedia
                                       ---                Added 2021-07-23
                                Ash Wednesday, 1983
 (IMG) Ash Wednesday 1983, cover
 (IMG) Ash Wednesday 1983, 1
 (IMG) Ash Wednesday 1983, 2
 (IMG) Ash Wednesday 1983, 3
 (IMG) Ash Wednesday 1983, 4
 (IMG) Ash Wednesday 1983, 5
 (IMG) Ash Wednesday 1983, 6
 (IMG) Ash Wednesday 1983, 7
 (IMG) Ash Wednesday 1983, 8
 (IMG) Ash Wednesday 1983, 9
 (IMG) Black Friday 1939, 1
 (IMG) Black Friday 1939, 2
 (IMG) Black Friday 1939, 3
 (TXT) Ash Wednesday bushfires - Gopherpedia
 (TXT) Black Friday bushfires Bushfires - Gopherpedia
                                       ---                Added 2021-06-23
                 Paillard-Bolex 16mm Model H Cameras Manual, 1950s/60s
 (IMG) Cover
 (IMG) Bolex H8
 (IMG) Bolex H16 1
 (IMG) Bolex H16 2
 (IMG) Bolex Loading
 (DIR) My photos of a Bolex H16
 (TXT) Bolex - Gopherpedia
 (HTM) Bolex Collector
 (HTM) Bolex H16 User
 (HTM) Earlier Bolex H8 and H16 manual (1.3MB PDF)
 (HTM) Later Bolex H16 manual (30MB PDF)
                                       ---                Added 2021-04-01
                WWII Hand-Drawn Japanese Military Ordnance Diagrams
 (IMG) 20mm Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun Ammunition
 (IMG) Artillery Fuze, Impact Detonated
 (TXT) Type 98 20 mm AA machine cannon - Gopherpedia
 (HTM) Japanese Type 100 20mm Cannon Rounds  - Inert-Ord.Net
 (HTM) Japanese Type 88 Large Artillery Fuze - Inert-Ord.Net
                                       ---                Added 2021-03-21
         Victorian Railways - Century of Service, The Sun 13th Sep. 1954
 (IMG) Page 1 Century of Service
 (IMG) Page 2
 (IMG) Page 3 Our First Train
 (IMG) Page 4 The New Ruhr
 (IMG) Page 5
 (IMG) Page 6
 (IMG) Page 7 Pacing History (historical map of lines)
 (IMG) Page 8 Growth of a Giant
 (IMG) Page 9
 (IMG) Page 10 Those Glamor Expresses
 (IMG) Page 11
 (IMG) Page 12 From Donkey to Diesel
 (IMG) Page 13
 (IMG) Page 14 Guage War
 (IMG) Page 15 Any Boy's Dream
 (IMG) Page 16 The Big Haul
 (IMG) Page 17
 (IMG) Page 18 Driving Power
 (IMG) Page 19 Made at Newport
 (IMG) Page 20 Suburban Bonanza
 (IMG) Page 21 In (60,000) Good Hands
 (IMG) Page 22 Signal Safety
 (TXT) Victorian Railways - Gopherpedia
 (HTM) Network maps and station histories
 (HTM) Victorian Railways Timeline
                                       ---                Added 2021-03-08
                         American Telegraph Equipment, 1890
 (IMG) Telegraph Equipment 1
 (IMG) Telegraph Equipment 2
 (IMG) Telegraph Equipment 3
 (IMG) Telegraph Equipment 4
       From Modern Practice of the Electric Telegraph by Frank L. Pope,
 (TXT) Franklin Leonard Pope - Gopherpedia
 (HTM) Modern Practice of the Electric Telegraph, 1891 - Internet Archive
 (HTM) Modern Practice of the Electric Telegraph, 1881 in HTML
 (HTM) Frank L. Pope  Telegraphic and Electrical Engineer
                                       ---                Added 2021-02-06
                 Moving the Lara Hotel (Victoria, Australia), 1915
 (IMG) Moving the Lara Hotel
 (TXT) Lara - Gopherpedia
                                       ---                Added 2021-01-30
                   RAAF WWII Photographs (probably at a UK airbase)
 (IMG) Operational Debreifing
 (IMG) Inside Lancaster (radio operator)
 (IMG) Operational Debreifing back (with names)
 (IMG) Inside Lancaster back (with names)
 (HTM) A66 Avro Lancaster - RAAF Museum
 (TXT) Avro Lancaster - Gopherpedia
                                       ---                Added 2021-01-23
                     Nuclear Reactors in the UK and France, 1960s
 (IMG) Windscale and Calder Works Aerial View
 (IMG) Windscale Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor
 (IMG) Calder Hall Refueling
 (IMG) Dungeness B Nuclear Power Station Cut-Away Diagram
 (IMG) Dungeness B Reactor Cut-Away Diagram
 (IMG) Chapelcross Reactor Refueling
 (IMG) Chinon Nuclear Power Stations Aerial View
 (IMG) Chinon EDF3 Power Station Cut-Away Diagram
 (IMG) Sayclay EL3 Experimental Test Reactor
 (IMG) Forging a Uranium Ingot
 (IMG) Global Sources of Uranium (1960s)
 (TXT) Sellafield (Windscale and Calder Works) - Gopherpedia
 (HTM) Sellafield awaits nuclear power's rebirth - BBC News, 2006
 (HTM) Windscale Accident 1957
 (HTM) Windscale: Britain's Biggest Nuclear Disaster, documentary (YouTube)
 (HTM) Equinox: A Very British Bomb, documentary (YouTube)
 (TXT) Dungeness nuclear power station - Gopherpedia
 (HTM) A history of Dungeness nuclear power station - BBC Kent, 2010
 (HTM) Dungeness: How Visiting a Nuclear Power Station is a Great Day Out?
 (HTM) Dungeness B power station - EDF Energy
 (HTM) Dungeness A Flickr Album
 (TXT) Chapelcross nuclear power station - Gopherpedia
 (HTM) Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station - Secret Scotland
 (HTM) Chapelcross Fire 1967 - Cold War Scotland
 (TXT) Chinon Nuclear Power Plant - Gopherpedia
 (HTM) Nuclear Museum of Chinon
 (HTM) chinon-b1 Nuclear Power Plant History
 (TXT) Saclay Nuclear Research Centre - Gopherpedia
                                       ---                Added 2020-12-15
                   Australian Army Portable Sawmill Plans, April 1969
 (IMG) Portable Sawmill Assembled
 (IMG) Portable Sawmill Trailor 1
 (IMG) Portable Sawmill Trailor 1
 (IMG) Portable Sawmill Trailor 2
 (IMG) Portable Sawmill Trailor 2
 (HTM) Article about an unrelated portable sawmill in military use
                                       ---                Added 2020-11-03
                   Power Stations in Victoria, Australia, 1940s
 (IMG) Yallourn Coal Power Station 1
 (IMG) Yallourn Coal Power Station 2
 (IMG) Yallourn Coal Power Station 3
 (IMG) Yallourn Coal Power Station 4
 (IMG) Yallourn Coal Power Station 5
 (IMG) Yallourn Coal Power Station 6
 (IMG) Yallourn Coal Power Station 7
 (IMG) Kiewa Hydroelectric Power Station 1
 (IMG) Kiewa Hydroelectric Power Station 2
 (IMG) Kiewa Hydroelectric Power Station 3
 (IMG) Kiewa Hydroelectric Power Station 4
 (IMG) Kiewa Hydroelectric Power Station 5
 (IMG) Kiewa Hydroelectric Power Station 6
 (IMG) Kiewa Hydroelectric Power Station 7
 (TXT) Yallourn Power Station - Gopherpedia
 (TXT) Kiewa Hydroelectric Scheme - Gopherpedia
                                       ---                Added 2020-10-27
                       Motorola IC Databooks, mid-late 1980s
 (IMG) Motorola IC Databook Covers
 (IMG) MECL IC Production Photo from MECL Handbook
 (TXT) Motorola - Gopherpedia
                                       ---                Added 2020-10-17
                          Cutty Sark and Worcester, early 1940s
 (IMG) Cutty Sark and Worcester on the Thames
 (TXT) Cutty Sark - Gopherpedia
 (TXT) HMS Frederick William (Worcester) - Gopherpedia
 (TXT) Thames Nautical Training College - Gopherpedia
 (HTM) Worcester II - Association of Old Worcesters'
                                       ---                Added 2020-10-07
                     SALT - Australian Army Magazine, 21st of May 1945
 (IMG) Cover "Kaput!" (victory in Europe)
 (IMG) Victory section 1
 (IMG) Victory section 2
 (IMG) Victory section 3
 (IMG) Victory section 4
 (IMG) Victory section 5
 (IMG) Victory section 6
 (IMG) Victory section 7
 (IMG) Victory section 8
                                       ---                Added 2020-09-27
                              Zulu Movie Poster, 1964
 (IMG) Poster (top section only)
 (HTM) Other Zulu posters
 (HTM) Zulu (1964) - IMDB
 (TXT) Zulu (1964 film) - Gopherpedia
                                       ---                Added 2020-09-20
                           Coronation of Elizabeth II, 1953
       Amateur Photographs
 (IMG) London streets prepared for coronation procession 1
 (IMG) London streets prepared for coronation procession 2
 (IMG) London streets prepared for coronation procession 3
 (IMG) Coronation procession 1
 (IMG) Coronation procession 2 (great shot)
       Austrlian Woman's Weekly feature
 (IMG) Page 1
 (IMG) Page 2
 (IMG) Page 3
 (IMG) Page 4 ("The Royal Progress")
 (IMG) Page 5
 (IMG) Page 6 ("Australians at Ceremony")
 (IMG) Page 7 ("The Queen at Westminster Abby")
 (IMG) Page 8
 (IMG) Page 9
 (IMG) Page 10 ("Coronation Peagent Ball at Albert Hall")
 (IMG) Page 11
 (IMG) Page 12 ("Guests of the Queen at Garden Party")
 (IMG) Page 13
 (IMG) Page 14
 (IMG) Page 15
 (IMG) Page 16 ("Coronation Contest winner flies home")
 (TXT) Coronation of Elizabeth II - Gopherpedia
                                       ---                Added 2020-09-15
                    Apollo Bay Tourist Brochure, approx. 1940s/50s
                       "Where Nature displays Her Versatility"
 (IMG) Side 1, Photos
 (IMG) Side 2, Information
 (IMG) Side 2, Banner
 (IMG) Apollo Bay in 2019
 (HTM) 2019 photo by Grace Tarbuck, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International
 (TXT) Apollo Bay - Gopherpedia
                                       ---                Added 2020-09-06
                   Cessna Super Skymaster Service Manual, 1968
 (IMG) Flap Control Systems
 (IMG) Rudder Control Systems
 (IMG) Heating, Ventilating, and Defrosting System (pre-1967)
 (IMG) Cessna 337 Photograph
 (HTM) Photo by bomberpilot, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
 (TXT) Cessna Skymaster - Gopherpedia
                                       ---                Added 2020-08-29
                          Lord Kitchener of Khartoum, 1900
 (IMG) Coloured Photograph
 (IMG) Contemporary Biography
 (TXT) Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener - Gopherpedia
 (HTM) Kitchener: The most famous pointing finger (WWI poster)
                                       ---                Added 2020-08-22
        Statistics for the Railway Network of Victoria, Australia, 1936-37
 (IMG) Railway Stats
 (TXT) Rail transport in Victoria - Gopherpedia
 (HTM) Network maps and station histories
                                       ---                Added 2020-08-19
                      The Australasian Radio World, Oct 1939
 (IMG) Cover, showing STC London air raid shelter
 (HTM) Magazine history and PDFs
 (TXT) Standard Telephones and Cables - Gopherpedia
                                       ---                Added 2020-08-09
                                 R34 Airship, 1919
 (IMG) R34 Airship
 (TXT) R34 (Airship) - Gopherpedia
 (HTM) R34 - The Record Breaker
                                       ---                Added 2020-08-01
                 Main Street of Broome, Western Australia. 1954.
 (IMG) North Side
 (IMG) South Side
 (IMG) Sun Pictures in 2018
 (HTM) 2018 Photo by Gnangarra, Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia
 (TXT) Broome, Western Australia - Gopherpedia
                                       ---                Added 2020-07-27
                    Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on Ubuntu/22.04 aarch64