________ ________ ________ 2017-08-25 / \/ \/ / \ / __/ /_ _/ So, uh, I guess Danielle and I joined an / _/ / / anime club? \_______/_\___/____/\___/____/_ / \/ \/ / \ Showing my age here but the last time I / _/ /_ _/ was in an anime club was almost 20 years ago /- / _/ / when the Melbourne Anime Society was still \________/\________/\___/____/ around and still met out in Oakleigh. I left a little while after they moved out to Monash Clayton because it was starting to feel like too much of a chore to get all the way out there and I was starting to get most of my tapes through trades with friends rather than the club. Not to mention it was starting to get easier to find stuff online. To be honest I can't even remember the last time I even actively watched anime? Probably when Knights of Sidonia started? I dunno. I'm a little apprehensive because of my age; the anime crowd just keeps getting younger, man, and I just keep getting older. Going by the introductions thread on their website it looks like there might be some lifers in the group though, so maybe it'll be ok? Also thinking back on the MAS days, the president would have been in his late 20s at least and the librarian at the time was pushing 50 but that was also a really different time. I sometimes wonder what the hardcore eggs back then would think of how popular and common anime is these days. In what I'm assuming is a side effect of joining a club, the anime gods have noticed me again and have announced a new Fireball series called Fireball Humorous and a new Drossel. I'm very excited, ask me about my Drossel collection sometime. Our first meeting is in a couple weeks, I'll keep y'all posted. EOF