________ ________ ________ 2017-12-08 / \/ \/ / \ / __/ /_ _/ I keep half-writing phlog entries then / _/ / / lose interest, give up or forget what I was \_______/_\___/____/\___/____/_ writing about. This'll just be another / \/ \/ / \ rambling life-log but y'all know by now I / _/ /_ _/ don't care to talk tech. Stay a while if you /- / _/ / like and listen to me talk about myself, \________/\________/\___/____/ gophamily. Work is as demanding an unrewarding as it has ever been, we've been thrown under the bus a little, management doing what they do without any consultation with us, just the assumption we're going to wave our magic wands. Fuck it, right? That's why I'm paid to be here. Except I'm really not paid enough it feels like. Money going out twice as fast as it comes in, annual salary on the low side of comparable roles at other organisations. Blah. IDK. Just Christmas brings that shit into sharp-focus I guess, I want to spoil my partner and my nephews and our families but bills are real, rent is criminal and everything costs too much. I dunno what else is going on, to be honest. All I do is work, eat and sleep it feels like. Spending my weekends aimlessly busy to try and keep myself distracted so depression doesn't settle in, it gets exhausting until I can't be fucked anymore and just want to slouch in bed and watch trash on YouTube. I'd say I need a hobby but all that up there is pretty much why I don't have one, hahaha. Our Christmas tree has lights that don't flash and I'm thinking of trying to fix that myself. Baby's first electronics project. I Googled a little and it seems pretty straight forward to make a circuit to turn the lights on and off and I got lucky with them because, in the display box they had a little "try me" button that wasn't hard wired into the lights, it was just a second, smaller battery pack and a switch that plugged into the back of the lights. I can make my circuit to plug into that and that way I'm not having to cut into or solder on to the original lights. Pretty handy. I might try it with an Arduino which is probably overkill for such a simple thing but it gives me an excuse to try using an Arduino. Baby's first Arduino project? Stay tuned to hear me lose interest and never bring it up again. Speaking of losing interest; I was supposed to have my amateur radio foundation license by the end of the year but slumped on that too. Ugh. I'm honestly losing count of all the things I start and never finish. My fifth doll has been sitting in storage, barely worked on for SEVEN YEARS. I'm the worst. These days I put it down to space, which while it is true that I have no space to spread out and work and that I can't leave things around so have to unpack and pack up everything any time I want to work on anything, I've only been at this apartment for a few years. "I have no space" doesn't excuse all the time I wasted prior to moving. Maybe I have a problem with scope. Even when I do find time and motivation, I've got so much I'd like to do that I just end up spinning in place, I should probably try and sort out what I'm supposed to be working on and pick a handful of things to prioritise. That's at least somewhere to start. EOF