________ ________ ________ 2018-02-15 / \/ \/ / \ / __/ /_ _/ A week or so back kvothe wrote a neat / _/ / / phlog post[1] about the beauty of plain text \_______/_\___/____/\___/____/_ formatting, a sentiment I very much share, / \/ \/ / \ and the efforts they're making to format / _/ /_ _/ their phlog posts. /- / _/ / \________/\________/\___/____/ In the post, kvothe also calls out FAX SEX as an example of artistry in the medium which is sincerely flattering, thank you. They conclude by wondering how I get the FAX SEX logo on each of my posts and, let me tell ya, like most magician's secrets the reveal will disappoint: The trick to it is that I do it all by hand with some template files and a text editor. Justify the text by hand, indent the paragraphs by hand and then add the logo by hand. If I want to make a change to a post I have to go back and reformat the paragraph by hand and the few times I decided to change or tweak the layout I went back and re-did every post by hand. My background is closer to the art and graphic design end of the spectrum than developer so, while I will take a swing at scripting and automating things once in a while, my default mode is to craft the thing itself rather than to craft a tool to craft the thing for me. I think of it as "artisanal phlogging," hahahaha. I'm kidding. [1] gopher://sdf.org/0/users/kvothe/phlog/2018/02/07-text-formatting-is-beautiful EOF