________ ________ ________ 2018-04-17 / \/ \/ / \ / __/ /_ _/ Just a small note to let y'all know I / _/ / / posted a couple of free board games I really \_______/_\___/____/\___/____/_ like to the files section in my space. / \/ \/ / \ Neither of the games are by me but I hope I / _/ /_ _/ contributed something at least a little /- / _/ / worthwhile to them by ASCIIfying the Iso- \________/\________/\___/____/ Path rules, putting together the PDF rulebook for Gnostica and sharing them both here. Iso-Path[1] is a two player board game where the goal is to reach the opposing player's base at the opposite end of the board. White player can only "climb" along stacks of hexagonal tiles and black player can only "dig" along the gameboard, the rules are dead simple but the game is really addictive. Gnostica[2] is an abstract war game where the territories are reporesented by cards from a standard tarot deck, with each card or suit providing different "powers", and the armies reporesented by pyramid pieces (Looney Pyramids). This game is really great, it's a bit rules-heavy but not difficult to learn and really enjoyable and the use of tarot to represent a "world" is really interesting. The downside of this one is it can be a bit expensive; for the price of a tarot deck and a few Looney stashes a "free" game starts costing not much less than your average boxed game. I hope you enjoy! [1] gopher://baud.baby/1/files/isopath [2] gopher://baud.baby/1/files/gnostica EOF