________ ________ ________ 2018-05-08 / \/ \/ / \ / __/ /_ _/ The day after the barcade adventure at / _/ / / Vidiot was pretty much a write-off for me, \_______/_\___/____/\___/____/_ the drinks left me a little hung over but / \/ \/ / \ then night as a whole just left me / _/ /_ _/ completely drained uninterested in doing /- / _/ / anything but snacking and watching TV. \________/\________/\___/____/ The day after that we had a plan to pick up the mother-in-law, see some family and bring her over to hang with us a while. It ended up being a disaster haha, let me explain. My mother-in-law has anxiety, I often talk about having anxiety but hers is next-level and if you were to ask my opinion, borderline schizophrenia. Add to that that she's quite immature and it's basically a time bomb any time we see her. We got lucky when we saw her earlier this trip, she was in pretty high spirits and everyone got along. It did take my wife and father-in-law basically rolling up on her unannounced and extracting her from her trailer to get to that point but all's well that ends well. The same strategy this time didn't work as well; we rolled up to pick her up and she wasn't answering the door. When she finally answered she said she was in the shower which maybe was true but we weren't quiet about knocking and were even banging on her bedroom window and a trailer, even a double-wide isn't that big that you wouldn't hear is hammering. One we finally got rolling with her I thought we'd be cool but after hanging out with her aunt and uncle for a while she worked herself up, freaked out, yelled at everyone and everything then ditched us. It is what it is but I really feel for my partner, she just wants to see her mom and every time we try it turns into a constant shit-fight. Anyway, enough about that. The day after that headache, the next day we just went for a cruise to chill out. Well, mostly chill out. When you get my father-in-law and my grandma-in-law in the same place they just bicker endlessly hahaha, so it was still pretty stressfully off and on. We did get to see lots of beautiful Washington though! We went out past Tiger Mountain and through Snoqualmie and North Bend, in the shadow of Mt. Si, then home via Issaquah. I really don't have the words to express how beautiful this part of the country is and, with the tall trees how close and cozy everything feels. Our original plan was to check out a tourist farm, which would have been nice but they're closed until mid-May so that fizzled out, we'd also planned to go to Chick-fil-A on the way home but we realized it was a Sunday so oops. As a plan B, since we'd already checked out Snoqualmie falls and Salish Lodge, we figured we'd hit up Twede's in North Bend for late lunch for a Twin Peaks trifecta. We'd been there before last time we were here and it was a real experience, this time around somewhat less so. The food was still pretty good, their French dip is one of the best I've had, but the service was super sketchy, it honestly felt like there was no one running the show, it was just kid goofing off. As an experience though, if you're a Twin Peaks fan definitely check it out, there's lots of memorabilia on the walls and stuff and it IS the Double R diner but, I dunno, I feel like it'd be nicer if they either embraced the Twin Peaks appeal better or if they just ran it as a normal diner better. The merch isn't even that great, they had better Twin Peaks stuff at Snoqualmie falls, although it was all so expensive. Let me tell ya, when you see a place charging $10 for a keychain you've seen on AliExpress for $1.50 it makes you pretty reluctant to spend any money there. Fun fact, there's a place called Hobart in this part of the state and a bunch of the streets in North Bend also have names that are Australian cities, it's pretty funny. After we ate we rolled back home and checked out Issaquah - it's a really pretty town, I like it a lot. North Bend was ok too but Issaquah felt really friendly and comfy. We didn't do much, just drove around town and scoped it out. We also swung by the landing spot for local paragliders and saw a few come in, all in all it was a pretty neat way to spend a warm afternoon. EOF