________ ________ ________ 2018-09-13 / \/ \/ / \ / __/ /_ _/ I've been sitting on eight tabs of LSD in / _/ / / my fridge for months while I decide whether \_______/_\___/____/\___/____/_ I want to resume microdosing and finally / \/ \/ / \ settled on giving it another shot with the / _/ /_ _/ caveat that I do it a lot smarter than I was /- / _/ / before. \________/\________/\___/____/ The methodology this time is more in-line with what I was trying with the nasal spray but less idiotic: I've picked up a 1ml oral syringe and dissolved four tabs in 40ml of water. The tabs contain about 125ug of LSD each so, each millilitre of liquid should contain ~12.5ug, probably a little less because the tabs don't dissolve completely so there's some of the drug trapped in there but whatever, close enough. I figure it's a good place to start since most of my "good" dose days were somewhere between 10 and 15ug and I can fine tune it by pulling more or less liquid with the syringe until I'm in a good spot. I re-started Monday at .9ml, ~11.25ug of LSD and it went really well, though I had some other issues that day that kinda brought me down and then again on Wednesday at .8ml (~10ug) just in case it was the drug that was making me feel unwell on Monday and it was a pretty good day too. I'll bump back up to maybe a whole ml tomorrow and see where I land, I think that'll give me a good gauge on how each dose falls. If I continue beyond that, I'll keep you posted, as always. On one hand it's nice to be messing with wetware again and during the planning I was excited to restart the microdosing but, I dunno, lately everything just seems pointless haha. EOF