________ ________ ________ 2018-09-26 / \/ \/ / \ / __/ /_ _/ So I picked up a couple of answering / _/ / / machines to add to my rapidly growing pile \_______/_\___/____/\___/____/_ of non-Touchphone phone stuff and the first / \/ \/ / \ one, a Voca AT-551 arrived yesterday and, / _/ /_ _/ wow, I was expecting this to be pretty /- / _/ / straight forward but without a manual I'm \________/\________/\___/____/ completely lost. The settings are all so cryptic and the unit just throws equally cryptic errors at me constantly. I found a quick-reference guide for the next model down, the AT-550 which hasn't been much help unfortunately. The settings were entered a little differently between the two models and there's not much overlap. However I am patient and curious so here's what settings I've managed to sleuth out so far: P.1 This is the setting the time. Select P. 1 then press ENTER, select from 1 to 7 for the day of the week (I have no idea yet whether 1 is Sunday or Monday because I get a tape error when I try to playback the time). Hit ENTER again and you can select from 0 to 23 for the hour of the day then ENTER once more to set the minutes and ENTER to finish. P.2 Lets you select a number from 0 to 9 three times, pressing ENTER between each selection. I believe this sets the PIN to check your messages remotely. P.3 Lets you select a number between 1 and 9 and then a second number between 0 and 9, pressing ENTER between each selection and then ENTER to confirm. My best guess is this is the seconds or number of rings before the machine answers a call but I haven't been able to test yet. P.4 You can select from 0 to 9, a degrees symbol, P, L or E. So far I've learned that if I select 0-9 and press ENTER I can just keep selecting numbers until I select E, so I surmise that E ends the input. It's entering in some kind of numeric string so maybe it's a phone number? It does have a paging facility so this could likely be setting the phone number or pager number that it pages when a message is received. After writing this all out for this phlog and thinking about what other settings are available on the device, I'm pretty certain this has to be the paging number, otherwise there's no other way to set it that I can see. As for the degrees symbol, P and L options - I have no idea. These last two settings are the real fuckin' mysteries: P.5 Two selections here, from 1 to 9 and then from 1 to 3, ENTER between and ENTER to confirm. The second option may vary depending on the first option but I haven't checked all 9 yet so can't say. I have no idea what this could be. P.6 Options are 0 or 1 with ENTER to confirm. Emphatic shrug. So how are y'all with puzzles? Hahaha. EOF