________ ________ ________ 2019-03-06 / \/ \/ / \ / __/ /_ _/ This past Wednesday I got to see / _/ / / Deafheaven live again, my third time. I \_______/_\___/____/\___/____/_ kinda wasn't feeling it at first, I was in a / \/ \/ / \ mood (when am I not?) and their new album is / _/ /_ _/ not really sitting well with me, I dunno. I /- / _/ / can't really say I don't like it, I'd just \________/\________/\___/____/ rather listen to anything else they've done I guess. It took me a while to spin up but then they announced a new song that would premiere on streaming services later that night, and that this show was the first time they were playing it live and I got so hype. Dani very kindly held the LP I bought and I threw myself into the mess in front of the stage, it was extremely cathartic. Ended up being not too bad a show, some new stuff, some "hits" - I was telling Danielle, every time I see them live it really cements Sunbather as my favorite album, it's so perfect. Aside from that the tilde.tel pilot is now live and pretty lively, some teething issues and a lot of learning but things are going much better than I ever could have dreamt. Got around 18 users, excluding me, a working conference and voicemail, Tildeverse Radio piping to music on hold, all the good shit. Cobbled together a phone book and FAQ on the website and gopher space and the #tildetel channel on tilde.chat is pretty lively too, a good community bolting on some pretty interesting stuff. Ironing out kinks and squashing bugs aside I'm kinda at a loss where to go from here, there's a few things I want to try to build but they're big projects and I dunno if I have the orgone for something like that at the moment, there's a bunch of other big unfinished things that I should probably be doing instead. One thing that was suggested by one of the ~tel users is to open up the .confs, via git or whatever, to users to edit. I probably couldn't do that with everything because there's some sensitive info in there and even opening up extensions.conf means I can't easily sneak in anything fun but I was thinking of maybe allocating a block of extensions that users can just hack on, and putting that file on git somewhere to just let anyone contribute whatever silly thing they'd like. Thoughts? Ideas? EOF