________ ________ ________ 2019-08-05 / \/ \/ / \ / __/ /_ _/ I've been too long between files. I'm / _/ / / finding I just start files, take down a few \_______/_\___/____/\___/____/_ notes and then abandon them. But not today! / \/ \/ / \ Let me just try and flesh out a few of those / _/ /_ _/ and maybe just lay out my mindstream and see /- / _/ / what comes of it. \________/\________/\___/____/ I'm in a kind of low-key, one-sided feud at the moment with a person online. I purchased something from them, it never arrived. I say one-sided because they're just leaving me on read and low-key because, if I be honest with myself, nothing will come of it. They can ignore me forever and I have no other avenue. It is what it is but it's the first time I've been burned in this game though so I'm still gonna be salty about it. Never trust a criminal. A couple weeks back, Dani and I went for a wander out in the inner suburbs for a change, I wanted to show her some supermarkets there (yes, suburban supermarkets are interesting to an inner-city cat), stretch my legs and go check out thrift stores a little. We took the tram on the way back and along with us for most of the ride was an addict deep in a nod, trying to maintain his balance on one of the seats. It's not an uncommon sight on Melbourne public transport, Melbourne has a pretty serious drug problem, though heroin addicts are far less prevalent these days and meth users seem to be the most common. Now I've been in a pretty weird headspace for the last week or so, even before the supply problems, and I was struck by and almost jealous of the single minded simplicity of addiction. Everything else melts away and you're charged with the sole task of getting your fix and getting lost in the overwhelming release of it. Nothing else matters, to the point of complete abandon possessions, relationships and of self. The zen of a junkie. Danielle countered that that also means a loss of place, a loss of community, a loss of family and a loss of joy and she's right, but when you're in it would any of that matter? I don't know. Anyway, that's enough of that. What else has been going on? This weekend was bitreichcon 2019 and I was able to catch most of the gopher stuff, it was really neat. Delivery of the plaintext slides over SSH was a really interesting idea, something I'd never even thought of, and the advertisements that played between panels were great. Gears started turning. ~tel even got a little nod when they were talking about the Tildeverse which made me smile. ~tel is in desperate need of love but I just can't find the motivation at the moment. I mean I can't find the motivation for anything really, definitely in a funk, but ~tel I really feel like I've lost my direction for. I've got a laundry list of things I'd like to do for it but nothing really excites me or the few pieces that do are mountains and I don't know where to start. I'm sure there's something out there waiting for me that'll reignite that spark but so far I haven't found it. So that's where I'm at there. Aside from that, life keeps trundling on. The post-wedding directionlessness continues, we're just slouching through our daily lives with no real target, not unhappy by any measure but just a little lost. We need to get back to the US for a while, see family and decompile. We'll see. I'm sick of winter and I dunno if I could do two this year hahaha. EOF