________ ________ ________ 2019-10-15 / \/ \/ / \ / __/ /_ _/ I read about the Zello software on / _/ / / xiled's phlog, and was curious to know what \_______/_\___/____/\___/____/_ public channels he was lurking on. I was / \/ \/ / \ struggling to find any active one having / _/ /_ _/ constructive (or even civil haha) /- / _/ / conversations, I found a few with active \________/\________/\___/____/ users but they either had no one talking, or were just trolling spam and station announcements. I was just about to shoot him an email when I found an active trucker CB and it's very neat. It's a really interesting mechanism. I've seen a similar thing used before in LINE messenger that's really popular with the Asian population here, It lets you leave voice messages for each other to carry on a voice conversation asynchronously, though I'm not sure it has similar group channels. It's also cool to have a way to go back and listen to messages you didn't catch and I like being able to tune in to multiple public channels at once. I never imagined there'd be a crossover between that and the amateur radio community but hearing it in action it makes a lot of sense. I like the idea of having music in the background playing over it too, as xiled suggested, it reminds me of youarelistening.to and soma.fm's Mission Control. Way into it. Took a quick look at the API too, wonder what I can do with it. EOF