________ ________ ________ 2019-12-12 / \/ \/ / \ / __/ /_ _/ As at writing this I've got a real swerve / _/ / / on and I've fallen into the wildest ASMR \_______/_\___/____/\___/____/_ hole. / \/ \/ / \ / _/ /_ _/ ASMR has never really been something I /- / _/ / was interested in, the few times it came up \________/\________/\___/____/ was because of something weird, like someone eating and smacking their lips a whole bunch or a lady sticking her fingers in slime and it just sounded weird and gross to me. But then I was looking at some room ambience video for ideas for KONPEIT-*record scratch* Oh yeah fuck I was supposed to do a file about that wasn't I whoops. Ok. Let me bring you up to speed. Way back last week I dropped a テトラ実験室 product into the Gemini space, it is called KONPEITO, all caps or abbreviated as ***. It's basically a place to distribute two sets of mixtapes; one regularly but infrequently released and one released whenever but possibly more frequently. Check it out, you'll need a gemini browser, I recommend solderpunks av-98[1], then point it at gemini://konpeito.media. Feedback has been really encouraging so far, I hope you enjoy. So back to this ASMR stuff. The second you click on one ASMR YouTube video your recommendations are immediately bombarded with them, like a rash, it's crazy, but some of them seemed kind of weird and interesting so I clicked around a bit. I got on a journey of ladies talking to the viewer while they do stuff, a kind role play scenario where the lady was a receptionist or a train conductor or whatever and then into one's where they were a doctor or barber. That's where it got interesting because ones started to turn up where the viewer was a machine or robot that the ASMR girl was servicing. It still seemed kinda goofy until I was watching this one[2]. I skipped ahead and suddenly she had this weird contraption[3] and I was like "oh is it a prop?" - you know, like she took your ears out to repair them or something because you're a robot but when I realized it was wired for sound it all finally clicked, it was basically a musical instrument. It was crazy. It totally changed the way I enjoyed it, the whole thing started feeling like weird, minimalist spoken word and noise music. I watched the rest of the video with my eyes closed and just got lost in it, it was very interesting and I highly recommend it. That's it! Oh wait, also I put up an old school 30-second-timer office webcam up on the baby, check it out from the main menu, you might even see my shuffling corpse! TTFN [1] https://tildegit.org/solderpunk/AV-98 [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2wEf_alQzw [3] https://3diosound.com/ EOF