________ ________ ________ 2022-05-13 / \/ \/ / \ / __/ /_ _/ So "project month" kinda fizzled out for / _/ / / me but that's ok, TDK keeps me busy and \_______/_\___/____/\___/____/_ that's fine, she's gotta be my priority. / \/ \/ / \ / _/ /_ _/ One of the projects I wanted to launch is /- / _/ / an anonymous plain-text ezine called \________/\________/\___/____/ 23_embryo; users can submit just about anything, the idea is it's a place for deep/unusual thoughts or just stuff you feel like doesn't fit your phlog or just to post one-shot things if you don't have an ongoing phlog or whatever. The one caveat is I have final editorial say on everything that gets published, I won't publish anything racist, *phobic, overly sexually explicity or that's targets someone else. This project actually started as a stoned.txt[1] but the idea kinda fizzled out because I no longer really have any time to smoke, even before TDK was born so that project is dead but I didn't want to waste the effort put into layout so 23_embryo[2] was born. The basic idea is I collect articles from whoever wants to submit them and when I reach 23 I compile them publish an issue. Currently submissions can be submitted to my SDF email address cat@sdf.org and your anonymity is my absolute assurance. I'm not sure where I'll publish the final zine but for now it'll likely just be here on baud.baby. I don't think I'll use the tilde.club u ser and I'll just ask for that to be removed when I publish the first issue. Stay tuned for that and watch out for a few more project announcements in the next few days! [1] breadpunk.club/1/~ciabatta/ [2] tilde.club/1/~embryo EOF