________ ________ ________ 2024-04-08 / \/ \/ / \ / __/ /_ _/ there's a hundred ways I want to write / _/ / / this, there's a thousand things I want to \_______/_\___/____/\___/____/_ say, but every time I sit down to try / \/ \/ / \ nothing sticks. I just bring up a blank file / _/ /_ _/ or page and stare at it because to commit it /- / _/ / to words is to commit it to reality and part \________/\________/\___/____/ of me holds out hope it's all just a dumb misunderstanding or mistake. a glitch in the Matrix, a waking dream I'll snap out of. there was someone I knew. I didn't know them well, we exchanged messages maybe once or twice, but they were someone who would change you instantly. their heart burned with a creative passion so powerful it was radioactive, their knowledge and enthusiasm for art glowing so hot it'd transform you, infect you, and drive you to be knowledgeable and to be enthusiastic. we came from the same roots, were forged from the same elements, mixed from the same chemicals and we were cut from the same cloth, carrying ourselves with an unflinching swagger, punching above our weight. and I count myself among the hundreds if not thousands that have identical stories, uplifted and driven by an intoxicating passion to create and share. cartoonists, comic artists, musicians, designers, writers, authors. people I call hero, people I call senpai, people I call friend, people I call peer, and people who feel the same way about me, a whole spectrum of talent and experience and creativity could point to him and say "that's the guy" - that's the guy that made me want to read more, learn more, create more, share more, be more excited, be more generous, be more colorful, be better. but now he's gone, sunk under ugliness and cold-hearted meanness, sentenced to death by an unfeeling, inhuman species that takes and hates and revels in their toxicity. a week ago, Ed Piskor was driven to suicide by his peers, pressed to death under the weight of the witch-finders' stones, his death will leave a wound in the cartoon and comic industry that will never close and his loss will leave a hurt in me that will never heal. my heart has joined the thousand. EOF