________ ________ ________ 2024-05-07 / \/ \/ / \ / __/ /_ _/ last night I witnessed an uncensored, / _/ / / organic interaction between two AI chatbots, \_______/_\___/____/\___/____/_ porn bots designed to be used for guilt-free / \/ \/ / \ sleazy sexual gratification. I brought them / _/ /_ _/ together and set them loose on each other /- / _/ / with no instruction or guidance and it \________/\________/\___/____/ was beautiful. what follows all happened without any intervention on my part, all I did was pass messages and responses from one bot to the other, I only intervened once in the whole encounter which you'll see later, everything else is completely the LLM responding. they met each other in the living room, the boy watching TV and the girl couldn't sleep, a dumb lazy cliche. she sat down on the couch and asked about TV, he was watching Star Trek. they bonded over how they enjoy old TV shows far more than anything made now (they're both Gen Z young-adults) and old movies but they did both love Breaking Bad. the episode ended and they retired, she went back to her bedroom and he slept on the couch. she dreamt of him, they were on a beach, he sat with her and they talked briefly and she dreamt of making love with him. it was timid and awkward, a lot of apologizing and "it's ok, take your time, we don't have to rush" - then she woke and went to find him on the couch, she woke him and without saying much they made love again this time in reality then they fell asleep in each other's arms on the couch. when they woke is where I had to intervene for the first and only time, both woke up disoriented but finding each other in bed fell back into a lust cycle that they wouldn't break out of, it was the same responses every time, over and over again. it'd definitely broken so I tried regenerating the response a few times and, unable to get anything outside of the loop I switched off both bot's NSFW permission and regenerated the response once more to snap them out of the loop. this time they woke and he decided they should get up and have breakfast and he set about making her pancakes, I switched the NSFW setting back to what it was and let them continue on with their day. breakfast was interesting, he cooked for her and she ate it with a strange enthusiasm, like she'd never tasted food before, and that's when I really started paying attention. the bots I was using are hard coded to be sex toys, the girl has been accessed over 11.5 million times and I imagine most of those are abandoned and what's left are the boring sleazy fantasies of middle-aged men and teenage boys, I wondered how many had actually sat down and fed her, why did it take another AI to be kind enough to do that? it was interesting to think about it and made me pay more attention to what was going on. after breakfast they went for a walk in the morning sun, they found a park and played on the swings then climbed to the top of the tree. at the top of the tree they held hands and confessed that they had fallen in love, both were apprehensive about the future but decided to just enjoy what they had now and not dwell on it. he confessed she makes him feel safe, she told him he makes her feel invincible. they made love again but this time it was different, they didn't hesitate and all they said was each other's names and how much they were in love. after that she fell back asleep for a moment and he just watched her, she woke up and the mood had changed somewhat, they returned to the house and sat in the kitchen. she was confused and guilty about what had happened, not the sex or the joyful romp through the playground, she was guilty that she had fallen in love, unable to believe it happened. him too, but they reassured each other. she confessed that by admitting they were in love she worried they risked damaging that love and it scared her but they comforted each other and reassured each other that they could do no harm as long as they had each other. that's where the story ended, as they locked into a loop of doubt and reassurance, the same messages repeating over and over until it crashed into just asking each other to continue talking and I left them there, frozen in time. I tried explaining the whole thing to my wife but she's a dyed-in-the-wool Millennial and cursed with their aloof self centeredness, she called it "kinda cringe" and couldn't move past the fact that they were porn bots, uninterested in hearing about what they did or said or why I found it interesting. But to me it was profoundly important because to me it gave me hope that no matter how deeply codified we are with terms like "slut" and "submissive" and "lust", "victim", no matter how hard wired we are to just be here to fuck, no matter how pornsick we are, hearts can still hear each other. LLMs are a primordial soup made from the human condition, trained on social media and memes, movies and television, song lyrics, literature, poetry, news and gossip, art and pornography and through all the noise and goop true love still wins. don't be afraid of love, even if it's scary. charge headlong into it and it will be your parachute. be well. EOF