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        88888888P"   `"YbbdP"'   `"8bbdP"Y8 `"8bbdP"Y8 8P        Y8
        88888888ba  88888888ba   ad88888ba    This is the gopherhole of
        88      "8b 88      "8b d8"     "8b   BodaX BBS, scroll down to
        88      ,8P 88      ,8P Y8,           find some interesting stuff
        88aaaaaa8P' 88aaaaaa8P' `Y8aaaaa,
        88""""""8b, 88""""""8b,   `"""""8b,   https://www.beardy.se/bodax-bbs
        88      `8b 88      `8b         `8b   ssh: bbs.beardy.se
        88      a8P 88      a8P Y8a     a8P   telnet: bbs.beardy.se
        88888888P"  88888888P"   "Y88888P"
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 (DIR) The Observable Gopherspace Universe Project
 (DIR) Mateusz' gopher lair
 (DIR) Gopherpedia
 (DIR) Hacker News
 (DIR) textfiles.com gopher interface
 (DIR) Gopherddit (gopher interface to Reddit)
 (DIR) Floodgap
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 (DIR) Super-Dimensional Fortress: SDF Gopherspace
 (DIR) The Gopherspace Cookbook
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 (DIR) A Random Dad Joke
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       Friend's Gopherholes:
 (DIR) Xibalba
 (DIR) thE qUAntUm gOphErhOlE
 (DIR) The Undeground
 (DIR) 2o fOr beeRS gOPHERHOLE
       Web links:
 (HTM) (Lynx) FrogFind - The Search engine For Old Computers
 (HTM) FrogFind - The Search engine For Old Computers