Subj : Newsline Part 3 To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Nov 18 2016 05:02 pm MILLING ABOUT ON THE AIR JIM/ANCHOR: In Europe, amateurs have enjoyed activing all kinds of mills, now unused for the original purposes in the textile and grain industries. Well, it looks like Australia's about to get into the act too. Amateur Radio Newsline's Jason Daniels, VK2LAW, tells us more: JASON: Anderson's Mill, a 19th century building in central Victoria, has just earned the distinction of being the first mill in Australia to join a global radio event in May which, until now, featured only mills in Europe. The old Australian mill in Smeaton, which once processed flour and oats, will be processing global radio contacts instead, in the annual event known as Mills on the Air. The radio activity is run by the Denby Dale Amateur Radio Society in the UK, in cooperation with the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings. Operators from the Central Goldfields Amateur Radio Group, VK3BI, plan to be on HF, VHF, IRLP, and EchoLink, from the mill on May 13 to 15. The radio club's president, Peter Rafferty, VK3CC, had been working with local residents in the effort to get Anderson's Mill included. Now that the mill has been recognized in time for next year's event, the club is hoping this success will inspire others to find more mills in Australia to join them in the big event. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jason Daniels, VK2LAW. (WIRELESS INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA) ** BREAK HERE: Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world, including the WA7ABU Repeater, serving Willamette Valley, Oregon. ** SILENT KEY: IVAN PASTRE F3AT ANCHOR/JIM: DXers around the world lost a noted fellow DXer, who was not just a longtime DXers, but one of the world's most longtime hams. Here's Amateur Radio Newsline's Jeremy Boot, G4NJH, with the story of this Silent Key. JEREMY: Ivan Pastre, F3AT, was considered one of the world's oldest radio amateurs, and, at 102, that itself was quite an accomplishment. His achievements as a top DXer, however, were considered even more unparalleled by those who knew and respected him. The French radio amateur has become a Silent Key. Ivan's name can be found at the top of the DXCC Honor Roll, with a total of 388 entities confirmed. He also held 5-Band DXCC honors. Licensed as F3AU in 1931, he was most active and proficient in CW throughout his long life, and he was celebrated for his varied operations. He took the call sign F3AT some years after first getting his license, but was also known to use variations of it, for his activations in French Equatorial Africa, French Cameroon, and French Sudan. Listed on the roster of the A-1 Operators Club, and the First Class CW Operators Club, Ivan was memorialized on the 12th of November. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jeremy Boot, G4NJH. (THE DAILY DX, LES NOUVELLES DX, ARRL) ** SILENT KEY: ARRL'S Tod Olson, K0TO JIM/ANCHOR: The amateur radio world also lost a noted leader active in the ARRL. Tod Olson, K0TO, is being remembered as an accomplished contester, mentor and a positive influence by many in and out of the headquarters of the ARRL. Tod became a Silent Key on November 12 at age 83, ending his long battle with cancer. His work as an ARRL volunteer began in 1974, when he became Minnesota Section Communications Manager, and at the time of his death, he was best known as Director Emeritus, and Honorary Vice President. He had held numerous positions in the years in between, including Dakota Division Director from 1994 to 1999. According to the ARRL website, he served on every standing committee the board had, and served as chairman of the Administration Finance Committee -- twice. His accomplishments on the air landed him in the CQ Contest Hall of Fame. Tod had worked as Director of Information Technology at General Mills, until his retirement in 1991. He and his wife, Jackie, had five children. ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ, who was well acquainted with Tod, said on the league website: QUOTE "I feel like I have lost my brother." Plans are being made for a memorial service in Minnesota. Posted by VPost v1.7.081019 .