Subj : Newsline Part 3 To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Jan 13 2017 06:42 pm SCOUTS GETTING PREPPED FOR JAMBOREE ON THE AIR DON/ANCHOR: Radio Scouting has kicked off the new year with an ambitious agenda. We hear the details from Amateur Radio Newsline's Bill Stearns, NE4RD. BILL: This week in Radio Scouting, we have one activation of the K2BSA callsign, Jamboree on the Air planning, and Scout Camps on the Air. Bryan Gonderinger, AF0W, will be activating a portable station at a Merit Badge Fair in Longmont, CO, on January 28th. Bryan will be getting scouts on the air for that portion the radio merit badge program. Jamboree on the Air is 10 months away, but in order to ensure a successful event, it is time to get started. January is the month you contact your local district, and get the event on the calendar, or find a compatible event already on the calendar for your operation. After you have date set, it's time to recruit your team. Flying solo can work well with smaller groups, but it always helps to have the extra hands in working with scouts. A planning calendar and more tips for JOTA/JOTI can be found on our website. Are you putting a summer camp, a camporee, or a simple troop campout on the air with your Scouts? Besides telling us about it, and reserving the K2BSA callsign for your event, you can announce and spot the event at the Scout Camps on the Air website at A quick glance at the calendar there we can see that WS5BSA will be activating for a campout in Oklahoma City, OK, on Saturday January 14th, and they'll be on HF 17/20 meters. We also see that W0KCN will be activating for a Venture Crew in Kansas City, MO, on Tuesday January 17th, and this appears to be an informational event for the Kansas City Northland ARES Group. So, give this site a try for your next event. For this, and more information on K2BSA and Radio Scouting, please visit For Amateur Radio Newsline, and the K2BSA Amateur Radio Association, this is Bill Stearns, NE4RD. ** 100 YEARS' WORTH OF ISLAND CELEBRATION ANCHOR/DON: Yearlong celebrations of a centennial have become big in amateur radio -- and this year's focus is on the United States Virgin Islands. Here's Amateur Radio Newsline's Stephen Kinford, N8WB, with the details of an event going on there. STEPHEN: A special event station is marking 100 years since the Treaty of the Danish West Indies, which were sold to the U.S. and renamed the Virgin Islands. The celebration is already under way, in fact, and on the air! Listen for the EDR HAM Radio Club of Skanderborg using the callsign OZ100DVI (OH-ZEE-One Hundred- DVI) right up through December 31st, 2017 honoring the islands of Saint Croix, Saint John and Saint Thomas, along with the smaller islands nearby. St. Thomas will play an especially prominent role: Not only will the station be on all bands for this yearlong event but operators will be doing hiking trips and SOTA activity from Saint Thomas Island. For further details, visit For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Stephen Kinford, N8WB. ** KAZAKHSTAN GETS 60 METER BAND DON/ANCHOR: The Republic of Kazakhstan, now a quarter-century old, just got an anniversary present from authorities there - a new amateur radio band. We hear more from Amateur Radio Newsline's John Williams, VK4JJW. JOHN: The Republic of Kazakhstan, which just marked its 25th anniversary of independence, has just got something else to be proud of: the right to operate on the 60-meter band. The radio spectrum management authority there has allocated 5351.5 through 5366.5 kHz on a secondary basis for amateur use. Making the band available has been advocated by the Association of Amateur Radio Services of Kazakhstan, which pressed its case with the Minister of Information and Communications. It is unclear, for now, what the maximum output power is and what other restrictions may apply. The Association of Amateur Radio Services expects to determine those shortly. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm John Williams, VK4JJW. (SOUTHGATE) ** 80-METER COUNTIES CONTEST LOGS ARE DUE DON/ANCHOR: The Irish Radio Transmitters Society reminds all hams who participated in the 80-meter Counties Contest on the 1st of January, to have logs submitted no later than Sunday, January 15th. Contest organizers report that most counties were active, with radio contacts and band conditions favorable overall. In fact, propagation was off to a great start as the event began, with many operators proclaiming conditions excellent. Toward the end, hams experienced longer skip. Even the weather was good, encouraging portable stations to get out there, and on the band. So, if you've logged your contacts, and want to make that day's efforts count, don't forget the January 15th deadline. (IRISH RADIO TRANSMITTERS SOCIETY) Posted by VPost v1.7.081019 .