Subj : Re: Test To : DesotoFireflite From : Black Panther Date : Thu Jan 19 2017 04:45 pm On 01/19/17, DesotoFireflite said the following... De> @MSGID: <> De> @TZ: 4168 De> Sorry for the of topic test, But I'm having an issue with this echo, and De> I'm trying to fix it on the ftn side. De> De> C.G. De> De> |YC.G. Learn |R(|WDesotoFireflite|R) De> |YValhalla Home Services | De> |YValhalla II | De> De> --- De> þ Synchronet þ Stepping Stone BBS -- telnet:// Got it here. Dan Richter aka Black Panther Sysop - Castle Rock BBS --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A31 (Windows) * Origin: Castle Rock BBS - .