Subj : Newsline Part 3 To : ALL USERS From : DARYL STOUT Date : Fri Dec 18 2015 04:46 am TRANSMITTING SPIRIT ON CHRISTMAS EVE DAY Two unique transmitters -- the first, a vintage one, the second, an experimental one -- are delivering a Christmas Eve message this year, so listen up: The Alexanderson Transmitter in Sweden is more than 90 years old. But, the tradition it inspired is perhaps 10 years old. Developed by Swedish engineer and radio pioneer Ernst Alexanderson, a General Electric employee in Schenectady, New York, the vintage transmitter will be tuned up and transmitting on Christmas Eve, sending its holiday message in CW on the VLF frequency of 17.2 kHz from Grimeton Radio/SAQ in Sweden. The Alexanderson transmitter's tuneup will begin at 0730 UTC. The event will also be webcast live on the webpage - where information about listener reports can also be found. Once used regularly in transatlantic communications, the Alexanderson transmitter is now a treasured museum piece. And it is put into action only on special occasions - such as this one. It's a special occasion too, for Brian Justin, WA1ZMS, who is pressing his 600-meter Experimental Station WG2XFQ into service as well on Christmas Eve. The 486 kHz transmission from Forest, Virginia, set to begin at 0001 UTC, honors the 109th anniversary of Reginald Fessenden's first audio transmission. The commemorative transmission will continue for 24 hours and, according to Justin, will be repeated on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. Such operations are a specialty for Justin, whose transmissions coincide with - and honor - important dates in the history of wireless communications. Send listener reports to Justin at his address. ** OHIO HAMS HELP NEEDY FAMILIES Another holiday transmission, this one of hope and caring, comes to us from Ohio. The Center of Hope in Ravenna, Ohio, has a special Santa in the form of the Portage County Amateur Radio Service. The group's president, Rick Kruis, K8CAV, and vice president, Jim Wilson, AC8NT, recently donated a check for nearly $4,000 to the Center, which provides free hot meals 5 days a week for 75 to 100 low-income residents in the area. The Center's work is especially important in areas where no food pantries exist. The check was accepted by Mark Frisone, chief executive officer of Family & Community Services Inc. He said: QUOTE "This is truly a clear example of the impact that the Center has on our community," ENDQUOTE The Portage County group is an ARRL-affiliated special service club. (ARRL) ** MERRY CHRISTMAS de SANTA The spirit of Santa is everywhere. And just in case you missed a QSO with the guy in the red suit, there's still time. As expected, Santa's on the move - and he's even DXing. For the 30th consecutive year, you can talk to Santa, OF9X - Old Father Nine Christmas - as he travels from the Arctic Circle westward toward the U.S. The station OF9X is active now through Dec. 28 on all bands, including 472 kHz. The Radio Club of Arctic Circle, OH9AB, and the Radio Club of Pusula, OH9W, with support from Radio Arcala, OH8X. There is also an opportunity for contact with OH9SCL in Finland. QSLs should be sent to either OH2BH or via the ClubLog at OF9X. Closer to home in the U.S. is the Santa Claus Net on Dec. 23 and Dec. 24. The Net will be on 14.305 to 14.325, sponsored by the 14.300 Net, from 1400 to 2000 Eastern Time. Check with the Maritime Mobile Service Net on 14.300 MHz for the actual operating frequency for Santa, or perhaps Mrs. Claus. Or if you're looking to volunteer to be an on-air Santa, send an email to Bob at The DoDropInn EchoLink Conference Server, Christmas Eve Santa Watch Net that starts at 1800 hrs eastern time. Dave N3NTV will be calling the net and keeping track of Santa's location. Like last year, Santa has a radio in his sleigh, and may chat with the kids again. Once again, Santa Watch on Christmas Eve at 1800 hrs eastern on the *DoDropIn* Echolink conference server #355800. And then there's the Santa Net on 3916, which took to the air right after Thanksgiving, and continues through Dec. 24. Check it out at 7:30 p.m. Central Time, nightly. To check in via email first, send a quick note to Pete, KE5GGY, at ** KICKER: FINAL THOUGHTS ON HRO FOUNDER BOB FERRERO, W6RJ And finally this week, we wrap up our conversation with Chip Margelli, K7JA, on the passing of his friend - and Ham Radio Outlet founder, Bob Ferrero, W6RJ. Chip, wasn't one of Bob's passions DX? (AUDIO OF DON/CHIP 1:44) Memories of Ham Radio Outlet's Bob Ferrero, W6RJ. ** NEWSCAST CLOSE With thanks to Alan Labs; the Alexander Association; the ARRL; Channel News Asia; Chip Margelli, K7JA, CQ Magazine; Hap Holly and the Rain Report; The Hindustan Times; Quartzfest; Radio Arcala, Southgate Amateur Radio News; TWiT TV;, and you, our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. Our email address is More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's only official website located at You can also write to us, or support us at Amateur Radio Newsline, 28197 Robin Avenue, Santa Clarita, CA 91350. For now, with Caryn Eve Murray, KD2GUT, at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm Don Wilbanks, AE5DW, in Picayune, Mississippi, saying 73, and as always, we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. --- BgNet 1.0a12 - The Thunderbolt BBS Little Rock, AR .