Subj : Newsline Part 4 To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Apr 28 2017 08:54 am STARRING ROLE FOR DSTAR STEPHEN/ANCHOR: If you enjoy any number of nets, and you're starting to discover the excitement of DSTAR, here's another option for you starting in May. Here are the details from Jack Prindle, AB4WS, who filed this report for Amateur News Weekly. JACK PRINDLE: Mark your calendars, the Kentucky DSTAR Net on Reflector 56 Bravo is returning starting on May 4, 2017 every Thursday evening at 7 p.m. Eastern Time, thanks to the work of Ray, KI4BM, and Larry, NN4H. Hope to hear you on DSTAR Reflector 56 Bravo Thursdays at 7 p.m. Eastern Time. Pass it on! Covering your amateur radio news in the Greater Cincinnati area, and the Commonwealth of Kentucky, this is Jack Prindle, AB4WS in Big Bone, Kentucky. STEPHEN/ANCHOR: To hear more news serving hams in Kentucky and the Greater Cincinnati area, visit (AMATEUR NEWS WEEKLY) ** THE WORLD OF DX In the world of DX, listen for a team of operators from the UK signing as A25UK from Botswana until the sixth of May. They'll be on all bands 160m to 10m SSB, CW and RTTY. QSLs go via M0OXO. Be listening for Peter, DF7DQ, in Vietnam, from the first of May until the 10th. He is using the call sign 3W9DQ, and operating holiday style on 40m to 15m CW, SSB and RTTY. Send QSL cards to his home call. The latest stop for Tom, KC0W, is Guatemala, and you can hear him using the call sign TG7/KC0W until May 8th. After that, be listening for him when he arrives in Guyana, and uses the call sign 8R1/KC0W beginning May 10th. (IRTS) ** KICKER: AUSTRALIA'S BACK IN SPACE STEPHEN: We end this week's newscast with a report from Australia, where, it seems, scientists are back in the satellite business. We hear the details from Amateur Radio Newsline's John Williams, VK4JJW. JOHN'S REPORT: There's an awful lot of pride lately among scientists and satellite enthusiasts in Australia, now that the first new satellites to be built in that nation in 15 years have been launched by NASA at Cape Canaveral. The miniaturized research satellites were developed by university-based teams at the University of New South Wales, the University of Sydney, the Australian National University, the University of Adelaide, and the University of South Australia. Lifting off from Cape Canaveral on April 18, the Australian satellite projects were designed to help gain an understanding of climate and weather systems by studying the Earth's thermosphere. Andrew Dempster, Australian Centre for Space Engineering Research director at the University of NSW, said the only two Australian satellite launches before this were in 1967 and 2002. Iver Cairns, from the University of Sydney, was present at the launch, and told reporters he considered it a big day for Australian space research. He said he was especially proud that the three satellites would be the first from Australia going to the International Space Station for deployment. All of that leaves a pretty good feeling in the Land Down Under, for what is about to be accomplished "Up Over." For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm John Williams, VK4JJW. (SOUTHGATE, ABC.NET.AU) ** NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to ABC.NET Australia; Alan Labs; Amateur News Weekly; the ARRL; CQ Magazine; CQ Scotland; George Dewar VY2GF; Hap Holly and the Rain Report; Southgate Amateur Radio News; Ted Randall's QSO Radio Show; West Bengal Amateur Radio Club; WTWW Shortwave; and you, our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. Please send emails to our address at More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's only official website located at Also -- if you've going to Hamvention this year -- you can contact us in person! Just look for the Newsline crew at the HamNation booth in Xenia. We'll be wearing our distinctive blue polo shirts. For now, with Caryn Eve Murray, KD2GUT, at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm Stephen Kinford, N8WB, in Wadsworth, Ohio, saying 73, and as always, we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. Posted by VPost v1.7.081019 .