Subj : Newsline Part 2 To : ALL USERS From : DARYL STOUT Date : Thu Dec 31 2015 08:53 pm SEVEN SCHOOLS CHOSEN FOR ARRL GRANTS Giving a boost to student and teacher literacy in wireless technology, the ARRL has selected seven schools to receive grants from its Education and Technology Program for the academic year 2015-2016, The schools are Akron STEM High School, Akron, Ohio; Liberal Arts & Science Academy High School, Austin, Texas ; Life Christian School, Aloha, Oregon; Rock Canyon High School, Highland Ranch, Colorado; Southport Elementary School, Kenosha, Wisconsin; Wink High School, Wink, Texas, and Yucaipa High School, Yucaipa, California. The application deadline for these grants, which are given annually, is Nov. 1. The grants encourage the use of amateur radio to explore radio science and electronics, and focus on lessons in math, science, engineering, and technology through hands-on activities. So far, 579 schools have received support from the ARRL program, which comes in the form of resource grants or equipment. (ARRL) ** CANCELLED BUT NOT FORGOTTEN Two special events that had been set for late 2015 are being rescheduled, following their cancellations. The popular Iron Ham contest, which was to have marked its fourth year, was dropped from the calendar after organizers noted how congested the bands already were with various competitions at year's end. The worldwide, three-mode contest - inspired by the sporting world event of the same name - is a 24-hour, three-mode contest that has amateurs operating on SSB, CW and RTTY. Atilano Oms, PY5EG, one of the Brazilian amateurs involved in the organizing, said the 2016 contest would be announced at a later date. And, ARISS cancelled its late-December Slow-Scan TV event aboard the International Space Station. The move was the result of what organizers called "complications in planning". The good news is that the wait won't be quite as long for this event: ARISS has said it is looking to reschedule the slow-scan for mid-January 2016. (DXCOFFEE, ARISS) ** BREAK HERE: Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world, including radio station KSET-AM in Lumberton/Beaumont, Texas. We're heard Sunday mornings at 9:45 local time on Musicradio 1300. ** HOLIDAY RESPITE AT THE WIA DON/ANCHOR: Everyone likes to take a break for the holidays, and the Wireless Institute of Australia is enjoying theirs now - but not before getting a lot of work done first. Amateur Radio Newsline's Graham Kemp, VK4BB, tells us more: [GRAHAM'S REPORT:] Although the Wireless Institute of Australia is on its summer holiday break, the office reports that this brief slow season of respite was preceded by a very busy period: The WIA's vice president, Fred Swainston, VK3DAC, reported that during a four-week period late in 2015, 73 certificates of proficiency were issued by the Exam Service, all of them requiring a new call sign. There were also 11 more certificates issued to amateurs who were returning to the hobby after a period of inactivity. While the WIA enjoys a brief bit of inactivity of its own for these remaining days, it's still very preoccupied with plans for the year ahead. The WIA will work, among other things, to streamline the tasks of its volunteer assessors. Holiday breaks, like the holiday season itself, don't last forever though: The office and Exam Service reopen their doors on January 11. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Graham Kemp, VK4BB. (Wireless Institute of Australia) ** SPREADING THE WORD IN INDIA The National Institute of Amateur Radio in India has had a busy calendar, one that included a major conference as well as a police department training session, back-to-back. Attending the 2015 Applied Electromagnetics Conference in Assam, India, NIAR's Executive Vice Chairman and Director, S. Ram Mohan, VU2MYH, led a panel discussion on establishing communications during major disasters that knock out conventional means. Later, using the special call sign, 8T5APS, he was joined by Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, in demonstrating how a ham radio station works. The conference, held at the Indian Institute of Technology, was attended by students and staff of the school, as well as delegates throughout India. The NIAR hams also led an amateur radio awareness program for law enforcement officials at the Assam Police Radio Organization Training School in Guwahai, Assam, demonstrating HF as well as Pactor communications. Operators and technicians who work for the police department are to be trained in various modes of radio communications, including Morse Code. (NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AMATEUR RADIO, SOUTHGATE ARC) ** SPECTRUM SHORTCHANGED IN THE UK? The Radio Society of Great Britain believes the growth of amateur radio in the UK is at risk as a result of insufficient primary allocations on the spectrum. Speaking in the UK Spectrum Usage & Demand Second Report released December 18, the RSGB noted that without primary ham radio allocations between 400 MHz and 24 GHz in the UK, confidence, investment and growth of ham radio is severely restricted. According to the RSGB, this creates a particularly difficult situation for earth-moon-earth, narrowband terrestrial systems and satellite transponders. The Society recommended adding to the spectrum to enable experimentation, along with an expansion of digital voice. The Society would also like to see space for an extension of digital TV, new data modes and higher data speed technologies. The forum is a sounding board on long-term spectrum issues for the government in the UK, and for Ofcom. (RSGB, ARRL) ** HONORS AT HAMVENTION If you're planning to attend Dayton Hamvention in May this year, don't just be an attendee - be a part of the awards ceremony by nominating candidates now. Organizers are looking to present awards for Amateur of the Year, Special Achievement, Technical Excellence and Club of the Year. You have until Feb. 1 to submit the names of deserving candidates, and all licensed amateurs are eligible. Forms and details about how candidates can qualify are available on the Dayton Hamvention website. Find the website at the bottom of this story on our Amateur Radio Newsline website. Or send questions to Website is (HENRY RUMINSKI, Hamvention Media Chair) --- BgNet 1.0a12 - The Thunderbolt BBS Little Rock, AR .