Subj : Newsline Part 2 To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri May 19 2017 08:58 am SILENT KEY HAD LONG COMBATIVE HISTORY WITH FCC DON/ANCHOR: For most hams, the call sign K1MAN was once synonymous with the name Glenn Baxter, an amateur with a long combative history with regulators. Earlier this month, three years after losing his license, he became a Silent Key. We hear the details from Amateur Radio Newsline's Mike Askins, KE5CXP. MIKE'S REPORT: A former radio amateur long known for his disputes with the FCC over malicious interference and other illegal transmissions, has become a Silent Key. Glenn Baxter of Belgrade, Maine died May 5. He first became a licensed amateur in 1956, but at the time of his death, Baxter had long since lost his Amateur Extra call sign, K1MAN, which is now held by another radio operator. Baxter was well-known for his enforcement battles with the FCC, and his disputes with the ARRL, with whom he had also locked horns. He lost his license in 2014 when the FCC denied his renewal application based on his failure to pay a $10,000 fine from previous violations. The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau dismissed Baxter's long-pending renewal application from 2005 "without prejudice," indicating that if he wanted to become licensed again, he would have to file a new application. An obituary on the Maine Today website said Baxter was a registered professional engineer. Glenn Baxter was 75. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Mike Askins, KE5CXP. ** BELIZE CLUB ADMITTED INTO IARU DON/ANCHOR: It took some time, but Belize radio amateurs are back in the IARU. That's good news for everyone who worked hard to be included, as we learn from Amateur Radio Newsline's Graham Kemp, VK4BB. GRAHAM: Less than a week ago, the top news story among the headlines on the Belize Amateur Radio Club website was about....the Belize Amateur Radio Club! After much waiting, the ham radio group received its hard-won admission into the International Amateur Radio Union in an overwhelmingly positive vote - 77 member societies voting yes to membership status, where only 55 votes were needed. Although IARU membership is new to this club, the group adopted the same name of an organization that previously belonged to the IARU, but no longer exists. Now the right to membership in IARU Region 2 rests exclusively with this Belize club, after IARU officials determined the group met requirements established by the IARU constitution and its bylaws. The club's website, barc-dot-bz ( proudly displays the IARU press release, issued the 11th of May, announcing the club's new official status. According to its website, the club was established in 2015 to promote technical education, encourage wireless experimentation, and advance international partnerships. Speaking of partnerships, the Belize club's admission into the IARU makes it one of 167 member societies involved in this ever-widening global community. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Graham Kemp, VK4BB. (BELIZE AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, SOUTHGATE) ** LAST DAYS TO NOMINATE YOUNG HAM OF THE YEAR DON/ANCHOR: If you haven't already thought of a young amateur to nominate for Amateur Radio Newsline's Bill Pasternak Memorial Young Ham of the Year Award, you don't have too much more time to come up with a candidate. Time is running out! This award is our commitment to honoring young talent. Is there a young radio operator who particularly impresses you? Nominations are still open -- but not for much longer - for amateurs 18 years of age or younger who reside in the United States, its possessions, or any Canadian province. Find application forms on our website under the "YHOTY" tab. The award will be presented on August 19th, at the Huntsville Hamfest in Alabama. Visit our website for details. Nominations close May 31. Look at your calendar - that's not too many days from now! ** BREAK HERE: Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world, including the K2SPD repeater of the Suffolk Police Amateur Radio Club in Farmingville, New York, during its Monday Night Net at 8 p.m. The net can also be heard on the AB2M conference server on EchoLink. Posted by VPost v1.7.081019 .