Subj : Newsline Part 3 To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri May 19 2017 08:58 am GERMANY GETS NEW 4 METER BAND DON/ANCHOR: Things are about to get very busy on 70 MHz in Germany. From now until late summer, hams will be enjoying a test period on the band. That includes Amateur Radio Newsline's Ed Durrant, DD5LP, who has that story. ED'S REPORT: The German regulator "BNetza" in its announcement 384/2017 released on the 16th. May, a day earlier than originally expected, reports that German Amateurs may use a section of the 70MHz band from 70.150 to 70.180MHz for a test period starting from immediate effect until August 31st this year. The same conditions apply as were in place for the previous test in 2015. These conditions are - the amateur is a secondary user on a non-Interference basis (the primary users are the national Railway and the Military), no portable or mobile operation, 25 watts ERP maximum on any mode up to 12KHz bandwidth and horizontal polarization only. All transmissions, including equipment tests must be entered in a station log book. Four meters is a little-used section of the amateur spectrum, and not available in many countries. The lack of suitable commercially made amateur radio equipment has been a problem until more recent Software Defined Radios have been able to provide 70MHz access. The 70 MHz band performs especially well during times of Sporadic E propagation - typically occurring during the summer months, which permits radio communications throughout Europe. Additional details are available at website, which is in German but has translations into various other languages available. Already having sent a CQ on 4 meters with no replies as yet, for Amateur Radio Newsline, this is Ed Durrant, DD5LP, in Bavaria, Germany. (SOUTHGATE) ** SCOUT CAMPS GET ON THE AIR DON/ANCHOR: The young radio scouts of K2BSA are busy again on the air, activating the call sign at a variety of locations - and showing up in Ohio for Hamvention! Here are the details from Amateur Radio Newsline's Bill Stearns, NE4RD. BILL: This week in Radio Scouting, we have 3 activations from Scout Camps on the Air, and we'll be seeing you in Ohio. Douglas Sharafanowich, WA1SFH, will be activating WA1BSA at Camp Sherman Hoyt in West Redding, CT on Saturday May 20th. This activation is for the Radio Merit Badge Requirement 9(a)(6), and will have 20 scouts. Part of a STEM Merit Badge weekend. Larrie Deardurff, AF7NU, will be activating his callsign at the Benton District Camporee in Alsea, OR on Saturday May 20th. Larrie will demo radio to Scouts at the Camporee with an Icom-7100 and a Butternut HF9V HF Vertical. BSA Troop 20 ARC, WS5BSA, will be activating Black Mesa in Kenton, OK on Sunday May 28th. This active group will set up Yaesu FT-817 from top of Black Mesa, and operate SSB on 17m & 20m. They will use either Gipsy Dipole or MFJ-1899T Vertical antenna. They will also carry portable 2m Yagi and attempt to hit multiple repeaters in OK, TX, KS, CO, and NM using FT-817. Hamvention is this weekend May 19th through the 21st. K2BSA will be present and will be answering your questions on how you can get involved in radio scouting. We look forward to seeing as many of you there as we can. We'll be in booth 2205. For more information on K2BSA and radio scouting, please visit For Amateur Radio Newsline, and the K2BSA Amateur Radio Association, this is Bill Stearns, NE4RD. Posted by VPost v1.7.081019 .