Subj : Amateur Radio Newsline (C) To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Jun 16 2017 08:51 am STILLWATER HAMS MARK 25 YEARS NEIL: A quarter of a century may not seem like a long time, but for one club in Stillwater, Minnesota, it's a lifetime - and a very productive one at that. Amateur Radio Newsline's Heather Embee, KB3TZD, tells us about the Minnesota club that's celebrating this milestone. HEATHER: It's been 25 years since the Stillwater Amateur Radio Association emerged from nothing but an idea in the mind of Hans Wald, a ham who came to Stillwater, Minnesota regularly to spend his summers. He was one of three local amateurs who, in 1992, formed a club where once there was none. Now as it reaches the quarter-century mark, the club has grown to 80 members, and among them are some who've been there since the start, including Shel Mann, N0DRX, and Mary Mann, N0DXH. In the years since its long-ago founding, the club has stepped up in its public service efforts, providing communications at major events, including fundraising walks, and a 2004 visit by President George W. Bush. The club is also at the ready to provide disaster communications in case of an emergency at the Prairie Island Nuclear Plant in Welch, Minnesota. The group is involved with the Minnesota-based Courage Kenny HandiHams program, which mentors disabled would-be hams, and assists them in getting their licenses, and then on the air. Perhaps operators nationwide, however, are most familiar with the club's annual tradition - Ice Station W0JH - its challenging portable operation from the frozen surface of Lake Elmo every winter. While the Stillwater club looks forward to its next 25 years, it continues to meet every Thursday night, and has more ambitious events on its agenda - including its notable Radio in the Park gathering on Thursday, June 29, at Valley View Park in Oak Park Heights, starting at 6 p.m. For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Heather Embee, KB3TZD. ** BREAK HERE: Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world, including the WW8GM General Motors Amateur Radio Club in Michigan on the club's 70cm RenCen Repeater at 443.075 MHz, every Saturday at 9pm. ** K2BSA GETS BUSY AS SUMMER STARTS NEIL/ANCHOR: School's out - and that means the K2BSA callsign is keeping busy on the bands. There's a lot of activity to report this week, along with plans for the scouts' National Jamboree - so let's hear the details from Amateur Radio Newsline's Bill Stearns, NE4RD. BILL: This week in Radio Scouting you can tell it's summertime, we have 5 activations of the K2BSA Callsign, 5 activations from Scout Camps on the Air, and we hear from the Amateur Radio Direction Finding Lead at the National Jamboree. William Coverdell, WD0BC, will be activating K2BSA/0 for the summer at Camp Geiger in St. Joseph, MO, from June 14 through July 14. This station will be giving scouts their on-air component of their radio merit badge. Jay Leeper, W4TFX, will be activating K2BSA/4 for the Order of the Arrow Friday Nets at Camp Barstow in Batesburg, SC on June 16, 23, and 30, and July 14. Camp Barstow will be conducting a two meter net on 146.715, at 1900 local with linked repeaters across South Carolina, during summer camp as part of the intro to ham radio. Chris Clark, W6CBC, will be activating K2BSA/6 for Scout Field Day at the J.C. Penney Parking Lot in Temecula, CA on June 24. We hope that other clubs are considering inviting their local districts and troops out to field day! Richard Zarczynski, AC8FJ, will be activating K2BSA/8 for the Trail to Eagle at D-Bar-A Scout Ranch in Metamora, MI on June 25th through the 28th. This program is specifically designed for older Boy Scouts to give them the opportunity to work on their merit badges they need to complete Eagle Scout requirements. John Baddour, KC8KI, will be activating K2BSA/8 at the Beaumont Summer Camp in Rock Creek, OH on June 29. John will be giving a Radio Merit Badge class at camp. Russ Bush, N3YD, will be activating KB3BSA at Camp Olmsted in Scandia, PA from June 24th through the 30th. Russ will be operating from the Crew 73 Communications shed. Operations will include: 80m-6m SSB, CW, Dig. 2m FM, SSB 70cm FM, and the KB3BSA Camp Repeater 145.250, negative offset, 186.2 CTCSS or PL tone. Keith Kaiser, WA0TJT, will be activating NR0AD for the ARRL Field Day in Platte City, MO on June 24th with the Platte County Amateur Radio Group. David Gibbons, KC3AFR, will be activating KC3HNB this summer at Resica Falls Scout Reservation in East Stroudsburg, PA from June 25 through Sept. 19th. The Scout Camp will be running a KX3 with 100W amplifier and a G5RV, look for this group throughout the summer looking to get camp goers on the air. Darryl Frasier, N3AOI, will be activating W3TSR at the Trexler Scout Reservation in JONAS, PA starting on June 26th. This station operates for the Summer camping season as well as JOTA. They have a TS 950 with a TH7 multi-band beam at 40 feet, wire antennas for 40 meters and 80 meters, and a packet node at 145.010. The National Jamboree is the Boy Scouts of America's flagship event, and the K2BSA station is there to promote Amateur Radio in Scouting. I had a chance to speak with Keith Kaiser, WA0TJT, about his leadership role this summer. KEITH: My name is Keith Kaiser, WA0TJT. I live in Kansas City, Missouri and this will be my second year, second time at the National Jamboree. 2013, I was there in pretty much the same role in which I'll be in this year, which is the team leader for the ARDF/Foxhunting. I have a tendency to put both terms together ARDF, Amateur Radio Direction Finding, and Foxhunting, because the program we do is kind of a hybrid of the two. It's not a true ARDF in the sense that you're not running through the woods as fast as you can with a Yagi tape measure antenna trying to find your hidden fox, so much as it is that foxes have been put out there, in this case in the Summit Center, and the goal is to find 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 of them, however many you feel like finding. Just getting an introduction to how the sport is done. We're using a little different equipment this year than we did last time. But the end result should be pretty much the same. BILL: We're looking forward to an exciting event starting July 15th through the 28th. For more information on K2BSA and radio scouting, please visit For Amateur Radio Newsline, and the K2BSA Amateur Radio Association, this is Bill Stearns, NE4RD. --- þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - .