Subj : Newsline Part 1 To : ALL USERS From : DARYL STOUT Date : Thu Jan 21 2016 10:06 pm Amateur Radio Newsline Report 1995, January 22, 2016 Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1995, with a release date of Friday, January 22, 2016 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a QST. New leaders are chosen at the ARRL. Australian hams prepare for a national celebration. CW enthusiasts get a whole month devoted to code. And teamwork on a cold Florida night keeps the homeless warm. All this and more, in Amateur Radio Newsline Report 1995, coming your way right now. (Billboard Cart Here and Intro) ** DON/ANCHOR: We open this week's newscast boasting a bit of pride for the home team: At the ARRL's recent board meeting in Connecticut, the organization gave leadership roles to two hams who were past winners of Amateur Radio Newsline's Young Ham of the Year award. Amateur Radio Newsline's Amanda Alden, K1DDN, has all the election news: [AMANDA's REPORT]: The Annual ARRL Board Meeting took place on January 15 and 16th of this year. The board held several important elections during the meetings. Some of the results made our Newsline team extremely proud. Amateur Radio Newslines 1997 YHOTY recipient, Brian Mileshosky, N5ZGT, was elected as Vice President of the ARRL. Mileshosky was currently serving as the Rocky Mountain Division Director, and to fill his shoes in that role is Vice Director Dwayne Allen, WY7FD, who will become the new Rocky Mountain Division Director. When Brian was asked how he felt about his newly elected position, he had this to say: We YHOTY kids are sure causing some good trouble... AR Newsline's 2004 YHOTY recipient Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM, was elected by the board to another term as Director on the ARRL Foundation. Andrea was not available for a statement before press time. In other election news: With ARRL President Kay Craigie, N3KN stepping down after 3 terms, a new president and several other officers have also been elected during the annual board meeting. Rick Rodererick K5UR, previously the First Vice President, has been elected as the next President for the ARRL. Greg Widin, K0GW, previously the Dakota Division Director, was elected as First Vice President. Filling Widin's previous position as Director is Kent Olson, KA0LDG. The board also re-elected the following officers: International Affairs Vice President Jay Bellows, K0QB; Chief Financial Officer Barry Shelley, N1VXY, and ARRL Chief Technology Officer Brennan Price, N4QX. The Board also elected one new member to the Executive Committee, which can act on the behalf of the Board between its two yearly meetings in January and July. Delta Division Director, David Norris, K5UZ, will replace New England Division Director Tom Frenaye, K1KI, on the panel. The other Board members are Hudson Division Director Mike Lisenco, N2YBB; West Gulf Division Director Doctor David Woolweaver, K5RAV; Pacific Division Director Bob Vallio, W6RGG, and Great Lakes Division Director Dale Williams, WA8EFK. ARRL Chief Operating Officer Harold Kramer, WJ1B, also was attending his final meeting in an official capacity. Kramer retires on March 1 after about 10 years at ARRL Headquarters. Still to come is the announcement of a successor to ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ who is retiring this spring after 44 years on the ARRL Headquarters staff. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Amanda Alden, K1DDN [DON]: Best of luck to everyone in the challenging term ahead. And to Brian and Andrea, we'd like to remind you both that we're all glad to have known you "way back when." ** FLORIDA HAMS AND NON-HAMS GET TEAMWORK DOWN COLD Speaking of teamwork, a recent dip in the temperatures showed a group of hams and non-hams that cross-training isn't just for athletes. On Monday, Jan. 18, when Florida temperatures plummeted, Hendry County Florida Emergency Management deployed workers to two cold weather shelters on either side of the huge county. They included Andrew Frame, WD4RCC and his wife, Brandi, as well as Frank Harris Sr., WA4PAM. Both Frank and Andrew are EM Reservists as well as hams. All the while, EM Director Brian Newhouse, KJ4WIC, transported supplies, the area's homeless, and did troubleshooting. With local municipal support, the hams, working with a trained group of non-hams, kept things running smoothly, according to Andrew Frame. He credits the recent emphasis on cross-training county emergency service responders and radio amateurs. And he said, this cold snap was the first test of how well that cross-training across multiple disciplines really worked. He said QUOTE "it put everyone more or less on the same page, or at least the same chapter in the book. "ENDQUOTE One of the next stages in cross-training: Getting the Community Emergency Response Team volunteers ready for their Technician license exam. (ANDREW FRAME, WD4RCC) ** TAPPING INTO STRAIGHT KEY ACTION DON: If you think all the New Year's CW action has taken a short, seasonal break, guess again. The Straight Key Century Club is keeping the excitement of Straight Key Night going strong, right through the month of January. Here's Amateur Radio Newsline's Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, with the details: [NEIL RAPP'S REPORT]: January is turning out to be a key month, in more ways than one, for The Straight Key Century Club. The club's annual month-long event, K-THREE-Y (K3Y), got underway on January 2, and continues through January 31. But this year, it also marks the 10-year anniversary for this club of CW enthusiasts. The Straight Key Century Club was founded in 2006, following the ARRL's Straight Key Night event that same year. The on-air party is an invitation to all hams to experiment with their Morse Code skills, using straight keys, bugs, and side swipers. K3Y operators will be working stations in each of the U.S. call areas, and there will be other stations in each of six IARU continental regions using call signs with KH6, KL7 and KP4. QSL cards and, of course, sweep certificates, will also be available. By the way, there's no need to RSVP to this party - just get on the air. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, in Bloomington, Indiana. (STRAIGHT KEY CENTURY CLUB) --- BgNet 1.0a12 - The Thunderbolt BBS Little Rock, AR .