Subj : Amateur Radio Newsline (A) To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Jul 28 2017 11:04 am Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2074, for Friday, July 28, 2017 Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2074, with a release date of Friday, July 28, 2017, to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a QST. K2BSA gets on the air in West Virginia at the largest Scouting event in the world. Hams in India welcome new licensees trained on a college campus -- and an amateur in Australia reflects on more than 20 years' involvement with the space program. All this and more, as Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2074, comes your way right now. ** BILLBOARD CART ** K2BSA - THE BUSIEST CALL SIGN ON THE BANDS? JIM/ANCHOR: We begin this week with one of the busiest call signs on the bands recently - K2BSA. It has been activated at the Boy Scout National Jamboree, the single largest event in Scouting, and will be soon at two other locations. As Amateur Radio Newsline went to production, the Jamboree was wrapping up in West Virginia, but the other locations are ready for action. Here's a report from Bill Stearns, NE4RD, who checked in with us earlier in the week. BILL: This week in Radio Scouting, we have 3 activations of the the K2BSA callsign, one activation from Scout Camps on the Air, and we're starting day 5 at the National Jamboree. Noel Pettit, WB0VGI, will be activating K2BSA/9 at Camp St. Croix in Hudson, WI from July 30th through August 12th. Each year, his troop from Minneapolis, camps at their site along the St. Croix River. Noel will set up a portable battery powered HF and VHF station, and help get the radio and electronics merit badges for the scouts. Scouts spend significant time just listening to the radio, learning about digital and analog signals for the many different uses of the bands. David Hoshaw, AF7NO, will be activating K2BSA/7 at the Wilsonville Fun in the Park in Wilsonville, OR, on August 5th. This is an annual community event. Troops 528 & 194 along with Packs 199 & 194 will be hosting a booth that will contain a ham radio station. A local volunteer group will also have their radio trailer on site. Operators with HTs will be roaming the event to allow anyone to talk on the radio. The main station will have an HF rig to allow for QSOs. Michael Wilson, N0MO, will be activating K2BSA/0 at the Cub Scout Twilight Camp in Oak Brook, IL, from August 8th through August 12th. James Gallo, KB2FMH, will be activating a special event station W2T, at the Ten Mile River Scout Reservation in Narrowsburg, NY, from August 5th through August 6th. The Special Event Station will be celebrating 90 years of Scouting at the oldest continually operated Scout Camp in the country. The K2BSA is through day 4 in its journey at the Boy Scouts of America National Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia, as this report is written. So far, the demo station has processed 1228 Scouts, and has 683 contacts, and our Radio Merit Badge team has completed 124 radio merit badges. The temps are hot and humid, and the bands are a bit dry, but we thank the many amateurs that have helped us by staying on the frequency to help us work through these eager Scouts. We have been active on 40m through 70cm, plus Satellite, D-Star, and EchoLink. For QSL information, please visit our Jamboree Live page on our website. For more information on K2BSA and radio scouting, please visit For Amateur Radio Newsline, and the K2BSA Amateur Radio Association, this is Bill Stearns, NE4RD. ** --- þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - .