Subj : Newsline Part 3 To : ALL USERS From : DARYL STOUT Date : Thu Feb 25 2016 09:22 pm WORLD OF DX DXpeditioner and low-power contester Olivier, ON4EI, will operate EI8GQB in Ireland from Feb. 27 through March 30, taking on the call sign EI1A during the ARRL International DX SSB, Russian DX and CQ WW WPX contest. Send QSLs only via LOTW or via QSL MANAGER: PA3249 (direct or bureau). Ismo, OH2IS, is operating from Antigua through March 4, mainly on CW with the callsign V26IS. QSL via his home call or ClubLog OQRS. Thaire, W2APF, is active as V47JR from Nevis Island in the Caribbean through March 1. Find him operating CW or SSB. Be listening for special event station, ZV451RIO, through March 6. The station is marking the 41st anniversary of the foundation of Rio de Janeiro. QSLs go via PY1AA. (IRISH RADIO TRANSMITTERS SOCIETY) ** BREAK HERE: Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world, including the KB9WSL repeater in Rochester, Indiana. ** SPECIAL SEGMENT: ON OUR 2000TH NEWSCAST, WE LOOK BACK DON: As we wrap up Newsline report #2000, let's go back to the earliest recording I could find of Newsline, report #1162 from November 1999: [1162 - 0:46] The late Roy Neal, K6DUE. Roy wasn't just involved with amateur radio news. Roy was NBC's national space correspondant covering the landing of Apollo 11 on the moon, the Apollo 13 crisis and many other aerospace stories. Roy was instrumental in getting amateur radio into space. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start where all good stories start, at the beginning. I had the privilege of speaking with Robert Sudock, WB6FDF about the beginnings of Newsline. Hello Bob: [001 - 3:42] So that's how it all began. Westlink morphed into Amateur Radio Newsline and it was Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, who took the concept from just a way to get the word out about the 220 linked repeaters, and made it into a truly professional newscast about amateur radio that today is heard around the globe. One more pause for station identification. Next up; we take you inside KTTV television in Los Angeles. [BREAK 4]: Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world, including WC8VOA, the West Chester Amateur Radio Associations repeater, in West Chester, Ohio. Now back to our chat with Bob Sudock. Bill Pasternak didn't create this thing called Newsline alone, nobody could. It is truly one of those right place - right time stories where everything just kind of fell together. Bill was at the right place, with the right people at just the right time, and he took full advantage of the situation. [002 - 4:49] That covers a lot but there is still one mystery to solve: [003 - 0:38] Of course, we've just scratched the surface, but if you'd like to hear more of Bob Sudock and me chatting, reminiscing and telling some untold stories about Bill, you can hear more of our little trip down memory lane on the Extra page at the Newsline website. It runs 32 minutes, and I promise you'll hear more things you never knew about Newsline and Bill Pasternak. Next week, report # 2001. The news never sleeps. ** NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Alan Labs; the ARRL; Matthew Berman, KC2YDT; BBC.COM; Mike Corey, KI1U; CQ Magazine; The FCC; Hap Holly and the RAIN Report; The Irish Radio Transmitters Society; The New York Times; Radio Society of Great Britain; Robert Sudock, WB6FDF; South African Radio League, Southgate Amateur Radio News; Texas Amateur Radio Direction Finding; TWIT TV; Worldwide Antarctic Program and you our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. Our email address is More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's only official website located at For now, with Caryn Eve Murray, KD2GUT, at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, and for everyone who has ever worked on Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Don Wilbanks, AE5DW in Picayune, MS, and I think it's only fitting that Robert has the last word. Mr Sudock, would you like to put the wraps on Newsline #2000? [ROBERT SUDOCK]: It would be my pleasure to say "73, and thank you for listening." Amateur Radio Newsline is Copyright 2016, and all rights are reserved. --- BgNet 1.0a12 - The Thunderbolt BBS Little Rock, AR .