Subj : Amateur Radio Newsline (D) To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Mar 30 2018 08:51 am FINE-TUNING THE DETAILS FOR WORLD RADIO TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP PAUL/ANCHOR: Excitement is building for the World Radio Team Championship, as Ed Durrant, DD5LP, tells us. ED: With just about 100 days to the World Radio Team Championship 2018, near Wittenberg in Germany, the organisation is running with the expected German precision, with everything on schedule to be up and running from July 12th to the 16th. The competitors have been "honing their skills," using their intended equipment in contests such as the WPX SSB contest last weekend, and others, so that nothing should go wrong with the transmitting and receiving equipment that the competitors provide themselves. The support infrastructure is taken care of by the organisers, and no problems are expected there, although spares of everything are also in the warehouse "just in case." Almost all hotels around Wittenberg are now full, with reservations for the competitors and their families, the VIPs, the judges, the visitors, and those of the helpers who aren't self sufficient in their own motor homes or similar. As mentioned in my last piece, award schemes will run alongside the event, so that all amateurs everywhere can be a part of the event. The volunteers on the air award is already running, and will run all year - how many WRTC Volunteers have you contacted so far? The excitement is growing, everything is being double checked, but this "World Cup of Amateur Radio" - which incidentally coincides with the Soccer World Cup, looks set to be the best WRTC yet. Run with German efficiency, and amateur radio camaraderie. One hundred days out, finances are at about 97 percent - so anyone who would still like to make a donation, be it large or small, is very welcome to do so through the website, at WRTC 2018 (dot) D E. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Ed Durrant, DD5LP. ** NOMINATE THE NEXT "YOUNG HAM OF THE YEAR" PAUL/ANCHOR: We remind you again that the Bill Pasternak/Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year award, is an honor for radio operators 18 and younger, who hold licenses in the U.S. or Canada. We are accepting nominations until May 31. If you know of a deserving candidate, who has been of service to the community, or helped improve amateur radio for those in the hobby, submit his or her name for consideration. You can find the nomination forms on our website, at arnewsline dot org ( under the YHOTY tab. The award is named in memory of Amateur Radio Newsline founder Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF. ** KICKER: THEORETICAL PHYSICS MEETS REAL RADIO - MAYBE? PAUL/ANCHOR: Finally - we ask - Wouldn't we all like to work only one day a year? Well, Newsline's April 1st roving correspondent Pierre Pullinmyleg has that dream job - with us! Here he is again this year. Pierre? PIERRE's REPORT: Among zee many unpublished papers left behind by the late Stephen Hawking was a groundbreaking document describing his little-known discoveries in radio. Ziss theoretical physicist believed in Parallel Universes, but not many realize he had also discovered Parallel Radio Frequencies. Now sources have said to me, "Pierre Pullinmyleg - because zat is my name! - Stephen Hawking believed that at the time ziss universe of ours was born, multiple universes actually came into being, and with them - and ziss explosion, she created all kinds of amateur radio bands. But zey are, you see, all parallel. So, now to operate QRP in ziss parallel world, you simply operate barefoot at 1 kilowatt. Ah, but zee real superpowers of the ham world, their signal steps on everyone else, when zey turn on their linear de-amplifiers and key their mic with their ear-splitting super power of 1 mW. And to use CW? In zee code created by the famous Manuel Zorse, you send zee dots as dashes and zee dashes as zee dots. Zere is no need to have a good fist for sending zee code, you simply sit on your straight key and send your message with your - excuse my French - DERRIERE. Antennas? Mais non, ch‚ri!! So unneeded, so passe. Just sink a grounding rod, hook up and tune up, no SWR to worry about! So you see? Thanks to theoretical physics, parallel bands will create a Big Bang of sorts for all of us. You go first. For Amateur Radio Newsline, this is Pierre Pullinmyleg, in zee world of Parallel Frequencies saying "37" for now. ** NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Alan Labs; the ARRL; CQ Magazine; Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society; Hap Holly and the Rain Report; John De Ryke, W2JLD; New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters; Ohio-Penn DX Bulletin; the QSY Society; Southgate Amateur Radio News; Ted Randall's QSO Radio Show; Wireless Institute of Australia; WTWW Shortwave; and you, our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. Please send emails to our address at More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's only official website at For now, with Caryn Eve Murray, KD2GUT, at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm Paul Braun, WD9GCO, in Valparaiso, Indiana, saying 73, and as always, we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2018. 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