Subj : Newsline Part 2 To : ALL USERS From : DARYL STOUT Date : Thu Mar 10 2016 09:18 pm PATRON SAINT OF CORNISH QSOS JIM/ANCHOR: St. Piran, the patron saint of Cornwall, predates radio by several centuries. But the two were in perfect harmony earlier this month when a group of radio operators in Great Britain marked an important event in their community. We hear more from Amateur Radio Newsline's Jeremy Boot, G4NJH: JEREMY'S REPORT: St. Piran's presence is perhaps felt most keenly in Cornwall, where the Fifth Century abbott is the patron saint. But his message was heard the world over on the 5th of March when Cornish radio amateurs from the Poldhu Amateur Radio Club completed more than 300 contacts in with fellow hams using Morse Code. Operating with the call sign, GK3MPD, they worked from the Marconi Centre above Poldhu Cove near Mullion. MPD itself is a significant call sign, and had been the call for the old Marconi station, where the pioneering scientist himself made the world's first translatlantic radio contact. The St. Piran's Day event was blessed with favorable radio conditions and early on, the operators completed contacts in Code with four stations in Japan and later heard from Canada, parts of Asiatic Russia and even the U.S. These contacts evoked some camaraderie beyond the usual fellowship that can emerge among hams. The club's honorary secretary, Keith Matthew, G0WYS, told the West Briton website: QUOTE "A surprising number claimed a bit of Cornish in their ancestry." ENDQUOTE For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jeremy Boot, G4NJH, in Nottingham, the UK. (WESTBRITON.COM) ** LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT IN THE PHILIPPINES If you are a radio amateur in the Philippines, you have only a few more days to submit your nominations for the Lifetime Achievement Award being given this year by the Philippine Amateur Radio Association. The deadline is Tuesday, March 15, and the names of your nominees should be emailed to The award recognizes the achievements of senior members of the amateur radio community. Awardees are typicall at least 80 years of age, endorsed by 2 PARA members in good standing, and have a proven record of outstanding contributions to amateur radio. The award will be presented on April 9 at the PARA Convention in Dumaguete City. (PARA) ** HALL OF FAME VOTING FOR SARL In South Africa, it's all over now, except the voting: 18 nominees have been identified for the South African Radio League's Amateur Radio Hall of Fame and ballots are being cast. Nominees include such Silent Keys as radio pioneers John Streeter, Dave Larsen and Dixon Bennett, as well as active amateurs who are leaving their mark on our hobby today. To vote visit the league website at, and select the nominations page. Visit the home page and follow the link under "Activities." You must be a league member to vote, and you can cast your ballot for as many as five nominees. (SOUTH AFRICAN RADIO LEAGUE, SOUTHGATE ARC) ** A NET, JUST FOR SOUTH AFRICAN YOUNGSTERS The Hall of Fame may honor established amateurs, but the South African Radio League's YouthNet is designed especially to help the next generation get established. The next monthly YouthNet on Sunday, March 13, is designed to attract young people and give them a taste of what it's like to be on the air. Even the curious and the unlicensed can participate, as long as they are under supervision of a licensed amateur. There will be a drawing for a prize, based on shack logs, after the YouthNet is over. This is also a chance for many radio operators to make up for lost time: The February YouthNet ended up being cancelled as a result of poor propagation and severe thunderstorms hitting the Kemptonpark and Johannesburg areas. (SOUTH AFRICAN RADIO LEAGUE) ** GREAT BRITAIN CONTEST REVIEWERS NEEDED If you're comfortable working with - and analyzing - large sets of data, and enjoy looking at the work of amateur contesters, the Radio Society of Great Britain might want to make use of your time and your skills. The Society is studying alternative ways to score VHF contests, with an eye toward making the scoring system more evenly balanced across the country. The Society is looking for volunteers who can assist with this process, which is a continuation of the President's Review of Contesting that was begun in 2015. Volunteers will be asked to analyze open logs being generated, and study other data that is available publicly. If you want to assist, contact Andy Cook, G4PIQ, via email at (RADIO SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN) ** THE WORLD OF DX A Polish Team of operators, working as 5J0P from San Luis, San Andres Island, will continue through March 21, using CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-6 meters. QSL via the Clublog's OQRS tools for Bureau and direct requests. No QSL cards please. QSL Manager is SP6IXF. Mathias, DJ2HD, is once again active as 7P8DJ from Lesotho through March 15. He is working holiday style on CW, SSB and RTTY, on the HF bands. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. Richard, G3RWL, is working as 8P6DR from Barbados from March 29 through April 22. He will be on the air holiday style on 80 through 10 meters using CW and RTTY. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau using ClubLog's OQRS. Hiro, JA6WFM, will be active in Tonga as A31MM during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest, taking place from March 26 and 27. He will work a Single-Op/ All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via EA5GL or LoTW. (OHIO PENN DX BULLETIN) --- BgNet 1.0a12 - The Thunderbolt BBS Little Rock, AR .