Subj : Amateur Radio Newsline (A) To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Dec 14 2018 09:36 pm Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2146 for Friday, December 14, 2018 Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2146 with a release date of Friday, December 14, 2018, to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a QST. Trouble for AMSAT-NA's latest Fox-1 satellite. A case of QSL card deja vu -- and a few holiday stories to brighten your spirits. All this and more, as Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2146, comes your way right now. ** BILLBOARD CART ** JOURNEY OVER FOR AMSAT'S FOX-1 SATELLITE STEPHEN/ANCHOR: We open this week's report with discouraging news for satellite enthusiasts who were looking forward to the commissioning of the newly launched Fox-1Cliff/AO-95 CubeSat. Newsline reported last week that AMSAT-North America was preparing for it to become its fourth Fox-1 amateur radio satellite. AMSAT's vice president of engineering Jerry Buxton, N-ZERO-J-Y, announced that problems with the receiver, discovered during the commissioning process, has put an end to those plans. The commissioning process began on Tuesday, the 4th of December, but is now at an end. Jerry issued a statement on December 9th saying: "Many of you have probably built a project, and had to troubleshoot it on your bench. We are in a troubleshooting situation here, with the additional challenge of being 600 km away from our bench." [endquote] Meanwhile, he said, engineers will continue to evaluate what happened. (AMSAT-NA) ** NORTH CAROLINA HAMS CHANGE GIFT-GIVING TRADITION STEPHEN/ANCHOR: In this season of giving and sharing, one ham radio club in North Carolina changed a holiday tradition, and spread some needed cheer. Paul Braun, WD9GCO, has that story. PAUL: In local disasters, national emergencies, and even extreme weather events, hams' efforts at helping almost always shine. In Gaston County, North Carolina, that was also the case recently when the Gaston County Amateur Radio Society decided they would make a difference - not by what they did, but by what they did NOT do. The hams have a tradition of hosting a gift exchange at their annual holiday party, and it has come to be expected. This year, however, was different. When the group gathered for the festivities on Monday, December 3rd, hams like Pat, N4DOX, and Cy, K1CY, had already made a decision where their gift money was going to go. They donated it instead to the Empty Stocking Fund, operated by the local newspaper, Gaston Gazette. Cy told the newspaper [quote] "the idea was to do something for someone else. There really is a big need out there." [endquote]. The funds raised by the amateurs will be given to the Salvation Army, who will purchase clothes, toys, and food for holiday meals, for families and local seniors. According to the newspaper, this is one of many gestures the radio club has made in the county, where they are always ready to respond to emergencies - large and small. The newspaper wrote, in its December 4 article: [quote] "The match between the Gaston County Amateur Radio Society, and the Salvation Army is a good one: Both are ready to pitch in and help when needed." [endquote] For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Paul Braun, WD9GCO. (THE GASTON GAZETTE) --- SBBSecho 3.06-Win32 * Origin: RadioWxNet: The Thunderbolt BBS (801:1/2) þ Synchronet þ Temple of Doom BBS - .