Subj : Amateur Radio Newsline (C To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Jan 18 2019 02:57 am IT'S ACADEMIC: COLLEGIATE CONTEST EXPANDS TO COVER RTTY NEIL/ANCHOR: College hams, have you done your homework? Well, if you expect to score big in the North American Collegiate Championship, it might just help. The Society of Midwest Contesters has announced that the SSB championship, which takes place this month, has expanded to cover the RTTY competition next month. The previous championship only included the SSB event. The SSB event runs from 1800 UTC on January 19 to 0600 UTC on January 20. The RTTY portion runs 1800 UTC on February 23 to 0600 UTC on February 24. The collegiate championship is sponsored by the National Contest Journal. Competitors are collegiate stations anywhere in North America, with on-campus shacks, and a maximum power of 100 watts -- and it's certainly more fun than midterm exams, or a term paper. The Society of Midwest Contestors said in its announcement that stations need to register before receiving instructions on how to set themselves up with logging software, and other things needed for the activity. Awards will be given for National Champion, Runner-up, and State Champion. For some students with big ambitions, this might just be an all-nighter. ** AIDING A FAMILY IN AFTERMATH OF POST-HURRICANE ACCIDENT NEIL/ANCHOR: A well-known ham radio family in Florida is reaching out to the amateur radio community for help. Don Wilbanks, AE5DW, has the details. DON: If you have ever received a QSL card from Faith Hannah, AE4FH, Grace KM4TXT, Hope, KM4IPF, or Zechariah, WX4TVJ, odds are you know - or know *of* - the Lea family of Florida. The four youngsters are the children of Michelle, N8ZQZ, and freelance cinematographer, James Leam, WX4TV. This amateur radio family of six has shared a lot - including recent high-profile special operations as WK1DS and N4T - but what they face together now is a frightening challenge to survivem and avoid eviction from their home. James was injured last year while assisting with volunteer emergency communications in Florida after Hurricane Michael, and his condition left him unable to work. You may know the Lea family personally, or perhaps you are acquainted with them through social media and their YouTube channel, Ham Radio dot World ( James said his recovery from rotator cuff surgery could take as long as a year, and he is the family's sole supporter. Meanwhile, the bills are adding up. He wrote on the family's GofundMe page [quote] "In the short term, we need help getting caught up with our rent, and other bills, such as electricity, water, and insurance, as well as building a financial cushion. In the medium term, we may need some ongoing help, as we figure out how to provide for ourselves in new and creative ways." James has asked the amateur radio community to share his family's needs by word of mouth, social media, and on Facebook. He writes: "Most importantly, we need your prayers." For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Don Wilbanks, AE5DW. ** FROM CANADA TO SPACE VIA ARISS CONTACT NEIL/ANCHOR: Listen up! Another amateur radio space station contact is about to happen - this time with Canada. Robert Broomhead, VK3DN, has the details. ROBERT: This week, Tony Hutchison, VK5ZAI, will be doing a Telebridge linkup between the International Space Station, and Ashbury College in Ottawa, Canada. This will take place on Wednesday, the 23rd of January, 2019, at 19:47 UTC. The down link can be heard over the southern part of Australia on 145.800 MHz. You are all invited to listen in. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Robert Broomhead, VK3DN. ** CANADIAN AMATEUR RECEIVES TOP RECOGNITION NEIL/ANCHOR: What does it take to be the RAC Amateur of the Year in Canada? Geri Goodrich, KF5KRN, tells us about the latest winner. GERI: The board of directors of Radio Amateurs of Canada, has chosen Gabor Horvath, VE7JH, as the RAC Amateur of the Year. The president of the RAC, Glenn MacDonell, VE3XRA, noted in The Canadian Amateur magazine that Gabor's many contributions to ham radio include his volunteer initiative in helping with the RAC Canada 150 Award, marking the nation's sesquicentennial in 2017. That nationwide event resulted in an estimated 60,000 QSOs. Gabor's skills as an amateur have also received previous recognition: in 2017 he was the only Canadian competing in the 14th IARU High Speed Telegraphy World Championship, and he was also a competitor last year at the World Radiosport Team Championship, where he was only 1 of four Canadians. According to his bio on, he has been a ham since his childhood in Hungary, where his first call sign was HA2KMR. Gabor's inclusion on the list of those named RAC Amateur of the Year, makes him one of only 6 hams in Canada to have been given this award since 2010. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Geri Goodrich, KF5KRN. --- SBBSecho 3.06-Win32 * Origin: RadioWxNet: The Thunderbolt BBS (801:1/2) þ Synchronet þ Temple of Doom BBS - .