Subj : Amateur Radio Newsline (C To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Feb 01 2019 09:24 am TEAMS PREP FOR YOTA SUMMER CAMP IN BULGARIA PAUL/ANCHOR: In some parts of the world, summer still seems far away -- but not in Bulgaria. Ed Durrant, DD5LP, tells us why. ED: It hardly seems to be that long, since YOTA 2018 finished in South Africa, but preparations for the Youngsters on the air 2019 summer camp, which is to take place near Sofia in Bulgaria are well on their way. As well as a "Train the trainers" theme and courses, a visit to the ACOM linear amplifier factory is planned, along with kit building, and of course some special sightseeing tours in this very historic area of Europe. The event, which will take place from the 11th to the 17th of August, hopes to have teams from many of the IARU region 1 countries, and those teams need to get their applications to attend in by February 1st. More details can be found at www (dot) ham (dash) Yota (dot) com. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Ed Durrant, DD5LP. ** HAMS' LIBRARY GIFT IS ONE FOR THE BOOKS PAUL/ANCHOR: The latest addition to the collection inside the Briggs Lawrence County Public Library in Ironton, Ohio, is a limited edition, six-volume box-set, hot off the press. The title: "The 2019 American Radio Relay League Handbook." This was a gift given recently to the library by the Southern Ohio Amateur Radio Association, and presented by club president James Rowe, N8TVO, and Eddie Jenkins, N8URU. The club made the donation, during a program members gave at the library last month, providing a general overview of ham radio's capabilities - from local communications, to contact with outer space. James and Eddie were joined in the program by Mike Love, WB8YKS, and Ken Massie, WN8F. The library's director, Joe Jenkins, said that not only was he very pleased with these newest library books, he was eager to have the club members return in the summer, when youngsters in the summer reading program are hoping to contact one of the astronauts on board the International Space Station using - what else? - amateur radio. (IRONTON TRIBUNE) ** INDIANA AMATEURS TAKE NEW LICENSEES TO NEXT STEP PAUL/ANCHOR: After a new ham gets their first license, the big question looms, "Okay, I've got my license -- now what?" A western Indiana amateur radio club is addressing that question, and a class on February 2nd, may end up teaching all ham clubs a good lesson, as we hear from Jack Parker, W8ISH. JACK: As winter snow and freezing winds grip the mid-west, hams in western Indiana are heading to Terre Haute for Ham Camp next week. This will be the fourth winter camp, where members of the Wabash Valley Amateur Radio Association, will spend the Saturday exposing new hams to many of the facets that make our hobby fun. According to Jerry Cockrell, W9GWC, the one-day workshop provides the newly-licensed operator practical instruction in basic electronic measurements, setting up an amateur radio station, building and erecting antennas, making contacts, and other aspects of amateur radio. Each student will make at least one VHF, and one HF contact, during the workshop. Following their successful Technician license classes, the Wabash Valley hams saw a need to provide additional "hands on" experience to the new hams, so they become more involved with the hobby, and their club. Cockrell says the one day workshop comes with lunch, and the class is limited to the first fifteen participants. Pre-registration is required. There will be plenty of elmers on hand, with over 200 years of amateur radio experience. The class will cover what equipment to purchase, what modes are possible, and for the over achievers, what contests and special events they can participate in, after upgrading to the General class license. This seminar is geared to get the new hams beyond the "œmic fright" phase, and onto the fast lane of Amateur Radio DX. Reporting for Amateur Radio Newline, this is Jack Parker, W8ISH. --- SBBSecho 3.06-Win32 * Origin: RadioWxNet: The Thunderbolt BBS (801:1/2) þ Synchronet þ Temple of Doom BBS - .