Subj : Amateur Radio Newsline (D To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Mar 29 2019 10:44 am WORLD OF DX In the world of DX, be listening for special event station, EM75FA, between the 6th and 14th of April. This station is commemorating the 75th anniversary of the liberation of city of Odesa, from the Nazi invaders during World War II. That took place on the 10th of April in 1944. QSL via UT7FA. A free electronic award is available. Additional details are on the EM75FA page on There's another special event - this one in England, celebrating Maritime Radio Day 2019. Listen for GB0GKA, operated by Tony, G3ZRJ, and GB0GKB, operated by Larry, G4HLN, to be active between 1200 UTC on the 14th of April, and 2200 UTC on the 15th. They will be operating mainly CW on various HF bands. The stations are remembering Portishead Radio/GKA, the UK's long-range maritime radio station. The station closed in 2000. QSL to GB0GKA and GB0GKB, via G4HLN. For more details, check their pages. Remember too, that April is SOTA-DX month. There will be two summit-to-summit contacting events. The first is on April 6th, targeting activations in Europe, Australasia, and Japan. The second on April 20th, targets Europe, and both North and South America. Ed, DD5LP, ARN's SOTA correspondent, tells us that stations will be working to make the best contacts possible from their mountain and hill tops, despite the radio propagation. We wish them all good luck. ** KICKER: APRIL FOOL! NEWSLINE'S PIERRE PULLINMYLEG ATTRACTS EXPEDITIONERS PAUL/ANCHOR: We close this week's report hearing from Newsline's roving correspondent Pierre Pullinmyleg. His amazing story befits the spirit of April Fool's Day. Pierre? PIERRE's REPORT: DXpedition fans, you are perhaps upset to have lost a chance at a Bouvet Island contact??? Ah, not so fast mes amis {mays amee}. The truth is, mai oui {may wee}, that zee reason the Atlantic Tuna has turned back is - because of me, Pierre Pullinmyleg!!! You see, I myself have just become zee most rare DX on zee planet. I, Pierre Pullinmyleg, recently gave my body over to amateur radio, donated my very flesh and bones to the ham world's first Biological Expedition. ZOOT ALLORS!!!!!! I have swallowed three nano-transceivers, and as they make their way through my system, three BioExpedition team members will be operating remotely - QRP of course - calling QR Zed from my solar plexus, my abdominal cavity, my.....well, my "other regions!" The fillings in my teeth are even tuned to 20 meters. As an added bonus, if you have a successful QSO with certain parts of my body, you can even get points for Summits on the Air and Islands on the Air....Please don't ask which parts. So let's concentrate on the CQ WPX SSB contest, and be sure to have that rare QSO with the insides of ME, Pierre Pullinmyleg. For Amateur Radio Newsline, this is me, Pierre Pullinmyleg saying "I feel a really big contact coming on." ** NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Alan Labs; Amateur News Weekly; AMSAT; the ARRL; CQ Magazine; Hap Holly and the Rain Report;; Ohio-Penn DX Bulletin; QRZ.COM; Southgate Amateur Radio News; Ted Randall's QSO Radio Show; the IRTS; Stan Strzyzewski SP8S; the SWLing POST; WTWW Shortwave; and you our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. Please send emails to our address at More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's only official website at For now, with Caryn Eve Murray, KD2GUT, at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm Paul Braun, WD9GCO, in Valparaiso, Indiana saying 73, and as always, we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2019. All rights reserved. --- SBBSecho 3.07-Win32 * Origin: RadioWxNet: The Thunderbolt BBS (801:1/2) þ Synchronet þ Temple of Doom BBS - .