Subj : Amateur Radio Newsline (A To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Thu Jul 11 2019 11:00 pm Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2176, for Friday July 12, 2019 Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2176, with a release date of Friday, July 12, 2019, to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a QST. More voices weigh in on the 2-metre controversy. Lunar module workers get on the air -- and Iran welcomes DXpeditioners. All this and more, as Amateur Radio Newsline Number 2176, comes your way right now. ** BILLBOARD CART ** BRITISH, SOUTH AFRICAN HAMS AGAINST PROPOSAL FOR 2 METRES JIM/ANCHOR: We begin this week with an update on an ongoing story: Two more amateur radio groups have weighed in on a controversial proposal to change the primary use of the 2 metre band to be for aeronautical surveillance use. Jeremy Boot, G4NJH, has more. JEREMY: The Radio Society of Great Britain has written to the UK communications regulator Ofcom, expressing concern over a proposed a genda item for the 2023 World Radiocommunication Conference that would reallocate the frequency range of 144 to 146 MHz to aeronautical services as the primary user. President Dave Wilson, M0OBW (Em-Zero-Oh-Bee-W), wrote of the organisation's deep concerns about preserving amateur radio's primary allocation globally. The French have asked that the 2023 session of the WRC include this proposal on the agenda, which is set well in advance of that year's session. In June, the IARU Region 1 issued a strong statement opposing the proposal's inclusion on the agenda. Separately, the South African Radio League recently added its voice in opposition. SARL noted on its website: "The various amateur radio organisations in CEPT countries are working with their authorities to block the proposal from being put forward as an agenda item for WRC23." Meanwhile, the French proposal has advanced for discussion at a meeting in August of the CEPT Conference Preparatory Group, where its inclusion at the 2023 meeting will be discussed. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jeremy Boot, G4NJH. (SOUTHGATE, RSGB) ** IRAN OPENS HISTORIC SITES FOR DXPEDITIONERS JIM/ANCHOR: Thinking of activating someplace new? Or working a DXpedition you haven't worked before? Robert Broomhead, VK3DN, has news for you. ROBERT: DXpeditions are now possible in Iran. The first location being made available to amateur radio operators is Shapour (sha-POOR) Citadel in Chaharmahal (cha-HARM-a-hal) and Bakhtiari (bok-tee-ARRI) Province. In making the announcement, the Communications Regulatory Authority, and Persian Amateur Radio Club, are hoping to generate interest in other similarly famous sites throughout Iran. Interested DXpeditioners should contact the coordinator Ali, EP3AG, at ep3ag at ( at least three to four months before the desired date of operation, in order to secure the necessary paperwork. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Robert Broomhead, VK3DN. (DXNEWS) ** NEVADA'S 'BURNING MAN' EVENT GETTING HAM RADIO ACTIVATION JIM/ANCHOR: A temporary city in Nevada is getting what every city needs: Its own amateur radio event. Here's Kevin Trotman, N5PRE, with the details. KEVIN: The Burning Man event is a temporary city in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, where tens of thousands of people live independently, devoting their efforts to self-expression, self-reliance, and community. This year, the Burning Man event will also be, in part, an amateur radio event. Clifford Novey, KK6QMS, plans an HF setup for 80 meters through 10 meters, and a VHF/UHF operation near his camp, and may possibly include a dish for Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network mesh. Clifford will be there, as well in an official capacity, as part of the event's IT team, for a two-month period, from July 15th through to September 15th. Beyond his official work there, he had been wanting to operate radio from the Burning Man event, which he first attended in 2014. This year, the gathering opens on August 25th, and runs through September 2nd. He's not the first ham to operate from Burning Man, but as an avid amateur radio experimenter, who enjoys both portable operations, and Summits On the Air, he sees the venue as a natural next step for him. Be listening soon for his voice coming from the Nevada desert. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Kevin Trotman, N5PRE. ** --- SBBSecho 3.07-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - (801:1/2) þ Synchronet þ Temple of Doom BBS - .