Subj : Amateur Radio Newsline (C To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Aug 16 2019 12:39 pm WINLINK OPERATION HELPS MAKE 'CITADEL RUMBLE' A SUCCESS JIM/ANCHOR: What happens when hams team up with the military in a communications exercise, that envisions a major earthquake? Andy Morrison, K9AWM, tells us. ANDY: Seven San Diego area hams using Winlink, were part of the United States Navy's recent preparedness exercise known as Citadel Rumble 2019. The two-day earthquake response and recovery exercise, at Navy Medicine West in San Diego, was designed to sharpen the Navy's ability to respond to disaster, by following established response plans. With the help of seven San Diego area Winlink operators, Navy Medicine West checked in with Naval Hospital Bremerton, Naval Health Clinic Oak Harbor, U.S. Naval Hospital, Yokosuka, U.S. Naval Hospital, Okinawa, and U.S. Naval Hospital Guam. The seven operators who volunteered to participate were identified on the discussion group Winlink for EmComm, as Rob Freeburn, K6RJF, Bob Younger, AI6KU, Patrick Gooden, K6PFG, Gary Asbury, N6GLS, Mike Bradbury, N2DDS, Rhonda Bradbury, KK6KTM, and Bill Honaker, N9LZ. Rob noted in a posting to the discussion group that the RF operations went smoothly. He wrote: {quote} We operated four Winlink stations simultaneously (three VHF and one HF) with minimum mutual interference. This was the second year that we participated in Citadel Rumble, with the Navy Medical focus being an earthquake scenario north of Seattle affecting a Naval Air Station." {endquote} For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Andy Morrison, K9AWM. (STARS AND STRIPES, U.S. NAVY WEBSITE, WinlinkforEmComm) ** HAM RADIO BANNED AT POPULAR AUSTRIAN AIR SHOW JIM/ANCHOR: Families visiting a popular Austrian air show will get to see plenty of planes and pilots -- but no amateur radio. Ed Durrant, DD5LP, explains. ED: Airpower 19, Austria's popular showcase of talented air squadrons and solo pilots, at Hinterstoisser military airfield near Zeltweg, in the province of Styria, will not be a showcase for amateur radio. The family event on September 6th and 7th, organized by the Austrian Federal Armed Forces, has forbidden the use - and even the presence - of amateur radio equipment. Mobile phones are being permitted, according to an announcement by the Bundesministerium fr Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie in Vienna. A statement recently released from their offices notes that any unauthorized radio equipment discovered on the military property will be taken away temporarily by the military. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Ed Durrant, DD5LP. (SOUTHGATE AMATEUR RADIO NEWS) ** SISTERHOOD AND TEAMWORK LIGHT UP CZECH REPUBLIC CONTEST STATION JIM/ANCHOR: Take thirteen YLs, a powerhouse of a contest station, and the spirit of sisterhood, and what have you got? Caryn Eve Murray, KD2GUT, tells us. CARYN: More than 8400 QSOs later, Eva, HB9FPM, is feeling pretty proud of the 13 YLs from six European, and one North American country, who operated special event station OL88YL. The activation from the 2nd to the 7th of August was a celebration of sisterhood and radio teamwork. Eva told Newsline that although last August found the YLs on DXpedition to France's Noirmoutier Island as TM64YL, this year's venue was Eva's country of birth, the Czech Republic. Though not a DXpedition, it turned out to be quite an adventure too: The home QTH was the big contest station OK5Z, which has five rigs, and an impressive array of antennas, including a vertical, a halfsquare, and monoband Yagis. YLs were also operated elsewhere, under the summits on the air program as OL88YL/P. As Eva told Newsline in an email: {quote} "As a YL, usually you don't have the chance to play too much with the radios." {endquote} They did play plenty, however, and the final tally included 6,470 contacts on SSB, 872 on CW, and 1,076 on digital. At Newsline production time, more than 592 hams had downloaded the OL88YL award certificate. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Caryn Eve Murray, KD2GUT. ** NEW LIST RELEASED FOR DXCC'S MOST WANTED JIM/ANCHOR: In case you've been wondering about the DXCC Most Wanted entities, Bouvet Island remains in the Number Two spot, with the top spot going to North Korea. In the third and fourth spots, respectively, are Crozet Island, and Scarborough Reef. The fifth spot went to the San Felix Islands. The list was updated on ClubLog as of the 29th of July, and no changes have been reported. There are 340 entities in all. (OHIO PENN DX) --- SBBSecho 3.08-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - (801:1/2) Synchronet Temple of Doom BBS - .