Subj : Amateur Radio Newsline (B To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Dec 20 2019 05:27 pm MISSOURI MIDDLE SCHOOLERS CHAT WITH SPACE STATION NEIL/ANCHOR: For students in Missouri here in the U.S., the lesson plan for the day was a little loftier. On December 12th, students at Woodridge Middle School in High Ridge, Missouri, contacted the International Space Station. With teacher Thomas Layborn, KE0SGU, and the help of Brian N0KBA, in St. Louis, a number of the students got to chat with NA1SS and astronaut Luca Parmitano, KF5KDP. They asked about how weightlessness affects the body, what happens to tears in space, and how water is recycled up there. They also found out how an astronaut's long distance view of earth also gives a long-range perspective. Here's what Luca told them: [CLIP] Overall nowadays when I look at earth, I feel how fragile it is, and I really want to leave it in good shape for your generation. [END CLIP] NEIL: Congrats to the kids on a successful ARISS contact! You can see a video of the students during the QSOs, on the Woodridge Middle School's Facebook page. ** SSTV OPERATION POSSIBLE FROM SPACE STATION IN LATE DECEMBER NEIL/ANCHOR: The International Space Station has become an even busier place this time of year. There's talk of a worldwide commemorative SSTV operation on either the 27th or the 28th of December. Interested amateurs are urged to follow @ARISS_status on Twitter, and to watch the AMSAT bulletin board for status updates. The SSTV downlink frequency is 145.800 MHz. Hams on board include Dr. Andrew Morgan, KI5AAA, cosmonaut Alexander Skvortsov, RK6ATR, and Luca Parmitano, KF5KDP, whose contact you heard moments ago, with the school kids in Missouri. (ARISS) ** SERBIAN AMATEUR SHARES PACKET RADIO INSIGHTS IN INDIA NEIL/ANCHOR: A leading player in Serbian amateur radio, has been delivering some tutorials to hams in India. Graham Kemp, VK4BB, has been following that story. GRAHAM: The secretary of the amateur radio union of Vojvodina in Serbia, was the featured guest at a recent two-day workshop on amateur radio, held by the National Institute of Amateur Radio in Hyderabad, India. Miroslav Skoric, YT7MPB, has been visiting India's educational institutions and attending conferences to conduct ham radio workshops. At the seminar on December 12th and 13th, at the Vardhaman College of Engineering, in Hyderabad (Hydra-BOD), he shared insights into packet radio communication, his preferred mode of operation. Ram Mohan, VU2MYH, director of the NIAR, said Miroslav has made repeated visits to India delivering presentations, most especially to young people. His December visit included an earlier presentation to more than 200 electronics and computer science undergraduates at GMRIT-RAJAM in Andhra Pradesh. In Hyderabad, more than 100 undergraduates at Vardhaman College heard from him, and Jayath Bhide, VU2JAU, who discussed emergency communications. Both colleges have faculty members and students who are licensed hams. Miroslav was also present later at the IEEE-ANTS 2019 conference at the prestigious Birla Institute of Technology and Science in Goa. With his frequent trips to india, Ram told Newsline that Miroslav now has a VU3 amateur radio license pending issuance there. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Graham Kemp, VK4BB. (FACEBOOK, NIAR) ** BREAK HERE: Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world, including the K7MMA repeater, in Spokane, Washington, on Fridays at 5 p.m. Pacific Time. --- SBBSecho 3.10-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - (801:1/2) þ Synchronet þ Temple of Doom BBS - .