Subj : Amateur Radio Newsline (B To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Jan 17 2020 06:23 pm SILENT KEY: DXER PETER GLASMACHER DK5DC/AA6M NEIL/ANCHOR: In Germany, hams are mourning the unexpected death of well-known DXer Peter Glasmacher DK5DC/AA6M. Peter, who was an ARRL member, and a DXCC card checker, became a Silent Key on the 12th of January. A familiar face to many at Ham Radio Friedrichshafen (FREED-RICK-SHOFF-EN), Peter was also the author of a monthly DX column for the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club's magazine. He was also District chair for DARC in Westphalia-South. Peter Glasmacher was 68. (SOUTHGATE) ** HAM LOSES BATTLE TO BUILD TOWER OUTSIDE MASSACHUSETTS HOME NEIL/ANCHOR: In late December, Newsline reported on a Massachusetts neighborhood's battle with a local ham's work-in-progress: his 80-foot amateur radio tower. That battle is over. Kent Peterson, KC0DGY, brings us the followup story. KENT: Mikhail Filippov, KD1MF, will not be building his ham radio tower after all. His Framingham, Massachusetts neighors have prevailed in their challenge to the city building permit he had been issued, saying it was done improperly. On Wednesday, January 8th, the city's Zoning Board of Appeals agreed saying that the project does not meet the necessary setback requirements. Neighbors have been fighting the 80-foot steel structure, saying it would be an eyesore and damage property values. Mikhail has already poured the foundation but halted construction after last month's meeting ended with no further action. His attorney, Fred Hopengarten, told local reporters, he was waiting for the zoning officials' written opinion before deciding whether - and how - to proceed. Mikhail has the option to reapply for a building permit. Zoning officials have said if he chooses this route, the building commissioner should review a state law that would require the project to undergo a site plan review. Mikhail also has the option of appealing the zoning board's decision in court instead. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Kent Peterson, KC0DGY. (MILFORD DAILY NEWS) ** ROOSTING VULTURES CAUSE TROUBLE FOR TEXAS TOWER NEIL/ANCHOR: Another tower - this one in Texas - is having issues with.... hygiene. Mike Askins, KE5CXP, explains. MIKE: So you think you have troubles maintaining your tower? Consider this: In Kingsville, Texas on the U.S.-Mexico border, about 300 turkey vultures have established a resting place on a radio tower owned and operated by the United States Customs and Border Protection agency. The birds of prey aren't nesting there, or even laying eggs -- but federal officials are calling for the problem to be eliminated, because of what the birds themselves have eliminated. Use your imagination. Whatever it may be, when it leaves the bird it drops 300 feet to whatever may be beneath. According to various news reports, the vultures have made this a habit for more than six years, but the government has finally declared that what comes out of these vultures has created too much of the wrong kind of pileup. Workers climbing the tower come into contact with the various corrosive substances, which are also landing on supports, rails, and catwalks, according to a Department of Homeland Security memo. The birds are under the protection of the 1918 Migratory Bird Treaty Act and no one has indicated a desire to harm them, but officials are seeking a solution. Customs officials are considering some net control - not the kind that handles check-ins - but the kind that will prevent the birds themselves from any further check-ins. By summer, the agency hopes to get netting draped over the tower to prevent future RF - Roosting Flock - interference. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Mike Askins, KE5CXP. (CNN, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS) ** BREAK HERE: Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world, including D-STAR Reflector 91 C at 7:30 p.m. Melbourne Australian time on Wednesdays, or 0830 UTC. --- SBBSecho 3.10-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - (801:1/2) þ Synchronet þ Temple of Doom BBS - .