Subj : Amateur Radio Newsline (C To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Jan 24 2020 11:36 am AUSTRALIA CELEBRATES OSCAR 5'S 50th ANNIVERSARY STEPHEN/ANCHOR: Australia is marking a proud moment right now as it celebrates one half-century since the launch of an amateur satellite built by hams and scientists there. Robert Broomhead, VK3DN, tells us about Oscar 5. ROBERT: Fifty years ago, on the 23rd of January 1970, Australis Oscar A, the first successful satellite to be constructed in Australia, was launched into orbit from the western range of the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. It was the first amateur satellite to be launched by NASA, and following the launch it officially became Oscar 5. Oscar 5 was built during 1966 by members of the Melbourne University Astronautical Society, and the amateur radio club, together with help from other amateurs, and the WIA. It was taken to the United States in mid-1967, but not launched until the 23rd of Janaury 1970, following the formation of the AMSAT organisation, which took over the responsibilities of the by-then defunct OSCAR organisation. Australis Oscar A was launched on a Thor Delta vehicle, which also placed a weather satellite TIROS-M, later ITOS-1, into a near-polar orbit at around 900 miles or 1300 km in height. Oscar 5 had no translator facility, but it did carry the most elaborate telemetry system of any amateur satellite at that time. Australis Oscar 5 operated successfully until mid February, 1970, when its batteries failed, although the 29.45 mhz transmitter continued to radiate carrier for another week or two. This pioneering activity is a largely forgotten part of Australia's early space history. After 50 years, we salute our citizen scientists and yesterday's makers who are mostly amateur radio operators. Oscar 5 is still orbiting our planet. For Amateur Radio Newsline, this has been Robert Broomhead, VK3DN. (WIA) ** YOUTH CAMP GETS MATCHING DONATIONS STEPHEN/ANCHOR: Organizers of the 2020 Youth on the Air summer camp, report that a matching fund drive has begun, and will continue until the end of February thanks to the generosity of Steve, KM9G. This will be the first such camp for young amateurs in the Americas, and the matched donations will increase the number of campers who can attend. For details on how to donate visit ** TIME TO NOMINATE CANDIDATES FOR HAMVENTION AWARDS STEPHEN/ANCHOR: If you know an outstanding club or a notable radio amateur, now's the time to tell the Hamvention awards panel about them. Phil Thomas W8RMJ, who brings Amateur News Weekly's reports to hams in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, shares this report with us. PHIL: The 2020 Hamvention Awards Committee has opened nominations for this year's awards. To make nominations for: Special Achievement, techical achievement, amateur of the year, and club of the year, go to the awards page on the Internet, for more details and nomination forms. The URL is: Again the URL is: Nominations close February the 15th, 2020. For Amateur Radio Newsline, and Amateur News Weekly, this is Phil Thomas, W8RMJ. ** FRIENDS HELP FULFILL DREAM HELD BY A SILENT KEY STEPHEN/ANCHOR: For one group of YLs, the bonds of radio friendship can never be dissolved - even after that friend's station has gone forever silent. For that story, we turn to Heather Embee, K-B-3-T-ZED-D. HEATHER: An international group of YLs is united as much in friendship, as in grief, for a Silent Key among them. Her name was Carine DuBois, and her call sign was F5ISY. She died last November, before she could see one of her dreams to completion - the staging of a worldwide contest, "The Day of YLs," to celebrate women on the radio everywhere. Jenni Eileen Jones, M0ZHT, is among the many YLs worldwide, working to make it happen. She told Newsline it will take place on the 24th and 25th of May, on HF, as well as VHF, with operators using SSB, CW, and RTTY. OMs are welcome, too, and of course, Shortwave Listeners can also log the stations they hear. Jenni said many of the organizers knew Carine, or had worked her station. The contest, which she'd dreamed of, is their tribute to her. The event has its own Facebook page, where many of the YLs will be posting updates until contest weekend. Jenni said there is also a second contest planned - in November - to mark the anniversary of Carine's death. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Heather Embee, KB3TZD. (JENNI EILEEN JONES M0ZHT) --- SBBSecho 3.10-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - (801:1/2) þ Synchronet þ Temple of Doom BBS - .